ASME B31.9:2004 pdf free download

ASME B31.9:2004 pdf free download

ASME B31.9:2004 pdf free download.Building Services Piping.
(d) Additive Slresses. The sum of the longitudinal stresses due to pressure, weight, and other sustained loads shall not exceed the allowable stress in the hot condition S,1. Where the sum of these stresses is less than 5hs the difference between 5k and this sum may be added to the term 0.25 S,, in Eq. (1) of ASME B31.1, para.
102.3.2(C) for determining the allowable stress range SA.
(e) Longitudinal Pressure Stress. The longitudinal pressure stress S1 is determined by dividing the end force due to internal pressure by the cros’.-sectional area of the pipe wall.
902.3.3 LimIts of Calculated Stresses Due to Occasional Loads
(a) Operation. The sum of the longitudinal stresses produced by pressure, live and dead loads, and those produced by occasional loads, such as wind or earthquake, shall not exceed 1.33 times the allowable stress values S in Mandatory Appendix I. It is not necessary to consider wind and earthquake as occurring concurrently.
(b) Test. Stresses due to test conditions are not subject to the limitations of para. 902.3. It is not necessary to consider other occasional loads, such as wind and earthquake, as occurring concurrently with the live, dead, and test loads existing at the time of the test.
902.4 Allowances
902.4.1 Corrosion or Erosion. When corrosion or erosion is expected, the wall thickness shall be increased over that required by other design requirements, unless other means of corrosion control such as coatings or cathodic protection are relied on. This allowance shall be consistent with the expected life of the piping, as judged by the engineer.
902.4.2 Threading and Grooving. The calculated minimum thickness of metallic pipe or tubing that is to be threaded shall be increased by an allowance equal to thread depth, dimension h in ASME BUO.1, or equivalent. For machined surfaces or grooves if the tolerance is not specified, it shall be assumed to be in. (0.4 mm) in addition to the specified depth of cut.
For plastic pipe, the recommendations for threading and derating in the applicable standard listed in Table 926.1 shall be followed.
902.4.3 Joint Efficiency Factors. Longitudinal or spiral weld joint efficiency factors are required by this Code and are included in the allowable stress values SE in Mandatory Appendix I. Table 902.4.3 states the factor E for several types of longitudinal or spiral welds.