ASME B31E:2008 pdf free download

ASME B31E:2008 pdf free download

ASME B31E:2008 pdf free download.Standard for the Seismic Designand Retrofit of Above-Ground Piping Systems.
(d) The free-field seismic input (commonly in the form of accelerations) for the design earthquake.
(e) The responsibility for developing the in-structure seismic response spectra, where required.
(f) The operating conditions concurrent with the seismic load.
(g) The responsibility for qualification of the operability of active components, where required.
(h) The responsibility for the evaluation of seismic interactions.
(i) The responsibility for as-built reconciliation of construction deviations from the design documents.
2.1 Applicability
This Standard applies to metallic ductile piping systems, listed in the applicable ASME B31 Code section.
2.2 Retrofit
The seismic retrofit of ekting piping systems shall take into account the condition of the system and its restraints. As part of the seismic retrofit, the piping system shall be inspected to identify defects in the piping or its supports and current and anticipated degradation that could prevent the system from performing its seismic function.
3.1 SeIsmic Loading
The seismic loading to be applied may be in the form of horizøntal and vertical seismic static coefficients, or horizontal and vertical seismic response spectra. The seismic input is to be specified by the engineering design in accordance with the applicable standard (such as ASCE 7) or site-specific seismic loading (para. 1.3).
The seismic loading shall be specified for each of three orthogonal directions (typically plant east—west, north—south, and vertical). The seismic design should be based on either a three-directional excitation, east—west plus north—south plus vertical, combined by square-root sum of the squares (SRSS), or a two-directional design approach based on the envelope of the SRSS of the east—west pills vertical and north—south plus vertical seismic loading.
The seismic loading applied to piping systems inside buildings or structures shall account for the in-structure amplification of the free-field accelerations by the struchire. The in-structure amplification may be determined based on applicable standards (such as the in-structure seismic coefficient in ASCE 7) or by a facility-specific dynamic evaluation.
3.3.3Straight pipe runs longer than three timesthe span of Table 2 should be restrained longitudinally.
3.3.4 The piping system should be evaluated tobe sufficiently flexible to accommodate the differentialmovement of attachment points to the structure or themovement of equipment or headers to which the pipingis attached.This evaluation may be achieved by calculat-ing the predicted seismic plus concurrent loads move-ment of the structure, equipment,or header to whichthe pipe is connected, and verifying that the pipe spanshave sufficient flexibility to sustain these movements.
3.3.5 The distance between seismic restraintsshould be reduced for pipe spans that contain heavyin-line components.