ASME B36.10M:2015 pdf free download

ASME B36.10M:2015 pdf free download

ASME B36.10M:2015 pdf free download.Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe.
The word pipe is used, as distinguished from tube, toapply to tubular products of dimensions commonly usedfor pipeline and piping systems. Pipe NPS 12 (DN 300)and smaller have outside diameters numerically largerthan their corresponding sizes. In contrast, the outsidediameters of tubes are numerically identical to the sizenumber for all sizes.
The size of all pipe is identified by the nominalpipe size.
The manufacture of pipe NPS 1/8 (DN 6) to NPS 12(DN 300), inclusive, is based on a standardized outsidediameter (O.D.). This O.D. was originally selected sothat pipe with a standard O.D. and having a wall thick-ness that was typical of the period would have an insidediameter (I.D.) approximately equal to the nominal size.Although there is no such relation between the existingstandard thickness – O.D. and nominal size – thesenominal sizes and standard O.D.s continue in use as”standard.”
The manufacture of pipe NPS 14 (DN 350) and largerproceeds on the basis of an O.D. corresponding to thenominal size.
The dimensional standards for pipe described hereare for products covered in ASTM specifications.
The nominal wall thicknesses are given in Table 1.
When the selection of wall thickness depends primar-ily upon capacity to resist internal pressure under givenconditions, the designer shall compute the exact valueof wall thickness suitable for conditions for which thepipe is required,as prescribed in detail in theASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASME B31 Codefor Pressure Piping, or other similar codes, whichevergoverns the construction. A thickness shall be selectedfrom Table 1 to suit the value computed to fulfill theconditions for which the pipe is desired.