ASME B56.5:2004 pdf free download

ASME B56.5:2004 pdf free download

ASME B56.5:2004 pdf free download.Safety Standard for Guided Industrial Vehicles and Automated Functions of Manned Industrial Vehicles.
4.6 Hazardous Locations
4.6.1 It shall be the responsibility of the user to determine the hazard classification of any particular atmosphere or location according to ANSI/NFPA 505.
4.6.2 Vehicles operated in haiardous tsas shall Lie of the type required by ANSI/NFPA 505 and shall be so identified.
4.7 Aisles and Doors
4.7.1 Restricted areas of vehicle operation require identification and/or marking.
4.7.2 In nonrestricted areas, the floor space boundary required for the vehicle and its load and/or train shall be clearly marked, including the clearance necessary for turns and manuevering.
4.7.3 Doors subject to automatic actuation and blind corners shall have suitable audible and/or visual alarms to anticipate the approach of the automatic vehicle or door actuation. Passive devices such as mirrors are recommended also.
4.7.4 A minimum clearance of 450mm (1.5 ft) should be maintained bctwecn obstructions and vehicles (including loads). All other areas having reduced clearance shall be restricted areas and be clearly marked by signs, stripes, lights, or other designations.
4.7.5 Doors
(a) Automatic vehicle guidepaths should not he routed through doorways frequented by personnel unless the opening is wide enough for personnel to remain outside the guidepath clearance aisle. Also, opening and closing of powered or nonpowered doors shall be accomplished In a manner that alerts or restricts personnel near the doorway.
(b) In order to minimiie the possibility of blocking the complete closing of a fire door, the vehicle will respond to a signal such as an input from a limit switch and/or heat sensor and stop prior to the lire door.
(c) System design should not have a normal stop location where a vehicle or its load would block a door closure.
4.8 Ambient Lighting
There are no ambient lighting requirements for automatic vehicle systems.
4.9.2 Facility. Signs, warning devices, and other safety devices should be used as required to alert and to protect the personnel from contact with the vehicle or items actuated by the vehicle. This includes equipment that is designed to interact with the vehicle system.
4.9.3 Safety Devices. Vehicle safety devices shall not be manually overridden in automatic or semiautomatic modes of operation.
4.10 Vehicle Emergency and Nonemergency Controls and Devices
Requirements in addition to those specified in paras. 8.11) and 8.11 may be specified by the user, but shall not negate the provisions of para. 8.10.
5.1 General Guidelines
(a) All hazardous areas of use shall be marked in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 505.
(b) Permanent aisles, roadways, and passageways shall be rnarkcd.
(c) Restricted areas shall be clearly marked.
(d) Central battery danging and charging facilities and procedures shall be in accordance with Section 5-3 of ANSI/NFPA 505.
(e) Vehicle nameplate ratings are based on level, dry surfaces having a minimum coefficient of friction with the driven and brake tire of 0.6. Other surface conditions may impact vehicle safety and require appropriate vehicle derating.