ASME B56.6:2002 pdf free download

ASME B56.6:2002 pdf free download

ASME B56.6:2002 pdf free download.Safety Standard for Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks.
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Rough terrain forklift trucks can cause iniury if imptopcily used or maintained.
5.1.2 Part II contains broad ,aict standards applica blc to rough terrain forklift tiuck operations. Only authorized operators trained to adhere strictly to the operating instructions stated in Section 6 shall be pcrmit. ted to operate rough terrain forklift •nicks Unticital operating conditions may require additional safety pieCautions and special operating instructions.
5.2 Modifications, Nameplates. Murkiiigs, dud Capacity
5.2.1 Fcepi as provided an 5.2.2. no moditications or alterstions to a roiih frrrin forklift truck which may affect the capacity, stability, or safe opcrations of the truck, shall he made without the prior written approsal of the original truck manufacturer or its successor thereof. When the truck manufacturer or its successor approve a moditication or alteration, appropriate changes shall be made to capacity plates, decals, tags, and operation and maintenance manuals,
5.2.2 Tn the event iha the truck manufacturer is no longer in business and there is no successor in interest to the business, the user may arrange for a modification or alteration to a rough terrain forkialt truck, provided however, the user shall.
a) arrange for moditication or alteration to be designed. tested, and implemented by an engineer(s) expert in rough terrain forklift trucks and their satety:
b) maintain a pennanent record ot the design. test(s), and implementation of the modilication or alteration:
(c) make appropriate changes to the capacity plates, decak. tags. and operation and maintenance manuals:
(d) aths a permanent and readily visible label on the truck stating the manner in which the truck has been modified or altered together with the date of the modification or alteration, and the name of theorganization that accomplished the tasks.
5.2.3 If the rough tcrrain forklift truck is equippedwith front end attachment(s) or optional forks, the uscrshall see that the truck is marked to identify the forksor attachment(s),show the approximate weight of thetruck and fork or attachment combination,and showthe capacity of the truck with forks or attachment(s)at maxinum elevation with load laterally centered.5.2.4The user shall see that all nameplates andcaution and instruction markings are in place and legible.5.2.5 The user shail consider that changes in loadldimension may affect rough terrain forklift truck ca-pacity.
5.2.6 Where steering must be accornplished witheither hand and the steering mechanism is of a typethat prevents road reactions from causing the handwheelto spin of a type that can be engaged by the operator’shand from the top,and shall be within the peripheryof the steering handwheel.