ASME BPE:2007 pdf free download

ASME BPE:2007 pdf free download

ASME BPE:2007 pdf free download.Bioprocessing Equipment.
50-4.15.5 CIP Return Flow Design. Return system engineering shall give consideration to balancing solution flow (i.e., regulating the discharge of the return pump from each portion of the system). This is accomplished by sizing pump impellers, sizing lines, and (when necessary) installing restridors to control flow.
50-4.15.6 CIP Spray Devices
a) Spray devices shall produce a uniform spray coverage over a particubr defined area of the equipment.
(hi The spray device shall effectively clean all nozzles and profections into the equipment.
(c) The spray device itself shall be self-cleaning and self-draining.
(d The spray device shall be manufactured of materials consistent with the processing system.
fri The performance of the spray device should not be affected by variations of ±20% in flow rate or ±20% in delivered pressure, at the design conditions.
(f) The spray device shall be designed in such a manner as to be easily removable ii required. If removable, then a positioning device or mark shall be incorporated into the design to allow for proper location and cleaning of the equipment.
(gi For optimum cleanability. fixed ball-type sprays operating in the range of 15 psi to 30 psi are suggested. Dynamic spraying/cleaning devices may be used with the approval of the owner/user.
hi The location of spray devices within a vessel or piece of equipment shall optimize the deanability of the equipment. The location of manwavs, access ports. and other internal appurtenances shall be considered in location and design of pray devices,
SD-4.16 Transfe PaneLs
50-4.16.1 General
(a) 11w transfer panel shall be constructed so that the product contact surfaces can be cleaned by a CIP fluid or other method specified by the owner/user. The product contact surfaces shall be free of crevices. pockets. and other surface irregularities.
(b) The transfer panel nozzle elevation shall be properly designed with respect to the connecting equipment such as Lank, pump, etc., toassuredrainahliltcleanahility, and sterility during process transfer, CIP, and SW.
(c) Design and fabrication of the transfer panel and associated components must ensure that the piping system can be fully drained when properly installed. This is not to imply that panel nozzles and/or suhheaders should be sloped (see Fig. SD-25).
(d) Tagging/labeling of the transfer panel and its components shall tie per SD-3.8(i). Tagging nozzles on the backside of panels will help reduce the number of incorrect piping connections during field installation.
50-4.16.2 Nozzles or Ports
(a) Nozzle construction shall accommodate a design feature which will assist in the elimination of internal surface anomalies caused in part by joining the nozzle to the panel structure.