ASME BPVC-III NB ADD:2008 pdf free download

ASME BPVC-III NB ADD:2008 pdf free download

ASME BPVC-III NB ADD:2008 pdf free download.Division 1 – Subsection NB Class 1 Components.
NB-257l Required Examination
Case products shall he examined by the radiographic method, except cast lerritic steels which shall he examined by either the radiographic or ultrasonic method, nra combination of both methods. as required for the product form by Table NB-257l-l.
In addition, all CaM products shall be examined on all external surfaces and all accessibk internal surfaces by either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. Machind surfaces, except threaded surfaces, of a cast product shall he examined by either the liquid pencHant or ntagnetic particle method after machining.
NK-2572 Time of Nondestruethe kxaminatinn
NB-2572.I Acceptance Examinations. Acceptance examinations shall he performed at thc time of manufacture as stipulated in the following and Table NB-257l-l.
(a) Ultrasonic exanmination. if required. shall be performed at the same stage of manufacture as required for radiography,
(b) Radiogruthk Escsminauion. Radiography niay be performed prior to heat treatment and may he performed prior to or after finish machining at the following limiting thicknesses.
(c) Fur finished thicknesses under 2/, in. (M mm). castings shall he radiographed within in. 413 mm) or 2O of the finished thickness. whiche%cr is greater. The IQI and the acceptance reference radiographs shall he based on the finished thickness.
12 For linished thickness from 2’/2 in. 64 mnit up to 6 in. (154) mmL castings shall he radiographed within 2Q( of the finished thickness. The IQI and the acceptance reference radiographs shall be based on the finished thickness.
13 For finished thicknesses over 6 in. (ISO mm). castings shall be radiographed within in. (13 mm) or l5’ of the finished thickness, whichever is greater. The IQI and the acceptance reference radiographs shall be based on the finished thickness.
(c) Radiography of castings for pumps and valves may be performed in as-cast or rough machined thickness exceeding the limits of (bX I). (h)(2). or (hX3) above, subject to the following conditions.
(1) When the thickness of the as-cast or rough machind section exceeds 2 in. (50 mm). acceptance shall he hosed on reference radiographs for the next lesser thick’ ness: e.g.. if the section being radiographcd exceeds 4 in. (114 mm). use reference radiographs of ASTM E I tth. The IQI shall be based on the thickness of the section being radiographed.
2) When the thickness of the as-cast or rough machined section is 2 in. (50 mm) or less, the reference radiographs of ASTM E 446 shall be used.