ASME MFC-10M:2000 pdf free download

ASME MFC-10M:2000 pdf free download

(d) To avoid missing periodic spatial flow variations. measurements should be made at pipe lengths that are not integer multiples of each other.
(e) All calibrations should he performed at the same flow conditions or as close as practical to the same conditions when comparing difFcrcnt test runs. When reducing data, corrections can he made via an independent parameLer such as Reynolds number when it can be shown that the overall effects of the different fluid conditions (temperature. pressure. etc.) and/or the fluid properties (density. viscosity. etc.) on the tested flow- meter size and type are known and have been accounted for.
(J) All raw calibration data should he recorded and retained.
5.1 Description
The process of establishing installation effects involves the comparison of the performance to that obtained in a standard reference condition. This document allows for two standard reference conditions. One is based on having specific, well-defined flow patterns in the test installation (Basic Reference Condition), and the other is based on the constancy of flowmeter performance along the pipe (Working Reference Condition).
5.1.1 Basic Reference Condition. The Basic Reference Condition exists when the fluid velocity pattern at the flowmeter is identical to that which would exist if the meter were installed in a conduit running full and steady with unlimited lengths of straight upstream and downstream pipe. Such a flow pattern is characterized by zero time-averaged radial and azimuthal fluid velocity components and an axisymmctric axial velocity profile that is independent of axial position. These components can be considered to be zero if their average values are zero to within the measurement uncertainty or if they are negligible to within 0.01% of the average flow velocity. The cxact axial velocity profile depends on the inner wall roughness of the pipe (see ASME 8461-1985) and the Reynolds number of the flow.
The above flow pattern which defines the Basic Reference (‘ondition is often described as one which is steady, free from swirl, and having a fully-developed axial velocity profile.
5.1.2 Working Reference Condition. From a practical standpoint, the achievement and/or verification of Basic Reference Conditions may be limited by the test flow facility andior instrumentation. When such limitations exist, a working reference should be established. The method for establishing the existence of this reference condition is markedly different from that for the Basic Reference Condition. [Icre llowmeter performance rather than a specific flow pattern is used as the criterion. Specifically, the Working Reference Condition is achieved when the Ilownieter performance is independent of orientation and axial location of the flowmeter along the pipe.