ASME MFC-1M:2003 pdf free download

ASME MFC-1M:2003 pdf free download

2.10.1 Base Flow Rate. The (Low rate calculated from flowtn conditions to base conditions of pressure and temperature.
2.10.2 Mass Flow Rat., q.. The rate of flow of thud mass through a cross section of a pipe.
2.103 Volume flow Rate. q,. The rate of flow of fluid volume through a cross section of a pipe.
2.11 Gage Pressure
The difference between the local absolute pressure of the fluid and the atmospheric pressure at the place of the measuremenL
2.12 Hydraulk Diameter
The ratio of four times the cross-sectional area of the flow to the wetted petirnetet Fo a filled circular pipe. the hydraulic diameter is equal to the inside diameter of the pipe.
2.13 Isentroplc Exponent, x
Ratio of the relative variation of pressure to the corresponding relative variation of mass density wider elementary reversible adiabatic (isentropic) transformation conditions. Often, this ratio is assumed constant over thc chosen integration interval, and for an ideal gas is equal to the ratio cii the specific heat capacities.
2.14 LamInar Flow
Flow under conditions where forces due to viscosity are more siglufKant than forces due to inertia. Flow conditions where adjacent fluid partides move along essentially parallel paths.
2.15 Madi Number, Moer U
The ratio of the fluid velocity to the velocity of sound in the fluid at the same temperature and pressure
2.16 Nondlmenslonat (Relative) Velocity, v
Ratio of the flow velocity at a given point to a reference velocity measured at the same time, which may be the velocity at a particular point (for example, the centerLine velocity) or the mean axial fluid velocity.
2.17 Pipe
A tube, usually circular in cross section. used for conveyirig a fluid A closed conduit.
2.17.1 Irregularity (of a PIpe). Any element or configuration that differs from a straight length.
2.17.2 Pipe Roughness. The internal surface finish of the pipe characterized by the height of surface irregularities
2.17.3 Straight Length. A portion of a pipe whose axis is straight. and in which the cross-sectional area and cross-sectional shape are constant
2.18 Pulsating flow of Mean Constant flow Rate
flow in which the flow rate varies with time, but for which the mean flow rate is constant when it is averaged over a sufficiently long period of time.
MOTh. Two types of pulsating flow arr found: periodic pulsating flow and fluctuating (random) pulsating flow
2.19 Ratio of the Specific Heat Capacities, y The ratio of the specific heat capacity at constant pressure to the specific heat capacity at constant volume. This ratio varies with changes in gas temperature and/ or pressure.
2.20 Reynolds Number, Re
A dimensionless parameter expressing the ratio between uiertia and viscous forces. It is given by the formula.