ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download.Rules for the Movement of Loads Using Overhead Handling Equipment in Nuclear Facilities.
(b) normal depth perception. field of vision, reaction time. manual dexterity, and coordination, and no tendencies to dizziness or similar undesirable conditions.
(c) ability to distinguish colors, regardless of position of colors, If color differentiation is required for operation of the equipment.
(d) adequate hearing, with or without hearing aid, for the spedik operation.
fr sufficient strength, endurance, agility, coordination, and speed of reaction to meet the demands of equipment operation.
(f) no evidence of physical defects or emotional instability that could render a hazard to the operator or others, or that, In the opinion of the examiner, could interfere with the operator’s performance. Evidence of such conditions may be cause for disqualification. In such cases, specialized clinical or medical judgments and tests may be required.
(g) no evidence of betng subject to seizures or loss of physical control. Evidence of such conditions shall be reason for disqualification. Specialized medical tests may be required to determine these conditions.
3-1.4 Crane Operator Certification
(a) Certification
(1) Crane operators shall be certified by an accredited crane operator testing organization, or by an employer-administered certification program that includes written and practical testing procedures to ensure operators meet the technical knowledge and skills listed in para. 3-1.1.
(2) Crane operators shall also meet the physical requirements outlined In para. 3-1.3.
(3) Crane operator certification is valid for S yr.
(b) Recertification
(1) Crane operators shall be recertified by an accredited crane operator testing organization, or by an employer-administered certification program that includes written and practical testing procedures to ensure operators continue to meet technical knowledge and skill requirements of the original certification.
(2) Crane opcrator shall also meet the physical requirements outlined in para. 3-1.3
Riggers who perform lifts within nuclear facilities shall meet either of two categories of qualifications. Rigger I or Rigger II.
3-2.1 Rigger I Requirements
(a) Individuals qualified to Rigger I shall be able to select the rigging methods and necessary rigging equipment for production load-handling activities.
4-1.1 Overhead Crane
The mrnlmum crane designs for the lift categories are provided in (a) through (c). Table 4-1.1-1 provides exam- pies of where enhanced safety crane designs are used in various nuclear power plant applications.
(a) For Critical Lifts. Where an enhanced safety handung system is credited to mitigate potential conse• quences of load-handling events during critical lifts, overhead cranes used for critical lifts shall he designed to meet the requirements of ASMF. NOG-1. Type I; ASME NUM-1. Type I; or other single-failure-proof designs previously accepted by the applicable regulatory agency.
(b) For Special Lifts. Overhead cranes used for spedal lifts shall he designed to meet, as a minimum, the requiremcntsofASME NOG-1. Type Ill, or ASME NUM-1.Type Ill. If the crane itself is located over an SSSC, then the crane shall meet the design requirements of ASME NOG-1. Type II. or ASME NUM-1. Type II.
(c) For Standard Lifts. Overhead cranes used for standard lifts shall be designed to meet, as a minimum, the requirements of CMAA 70 or CMAA 74.