ASME NTB-2:2019 pdf free download

ASME NTB-2:2019 pdf free download

ASME NTB-2:2019 pdf free download.Background lnformation for Addressing Adequacy or Optimization of ASME BPVC Section lll,Division 5 Rules for Metallic Components.
HBB-3214.2 Inelastic Analysis
Inelastic analysis may be required to satisfy strain limits and creep-fatigue damage evaluation; however. only general guidance is presented in HBB-32 14.2. however, specific guidance was provided lkr early liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR”) programs. Section Inelastic Analysis Methods. provides an overview of that guidance. More details on the early guidance are provided in Welding Research Council. Inc. (WRC’) Bulletin 365. Volume III- Inelastic Analvvis. July 1991. as discussed in Section 3.3 of this background document.
HBH-322() Design Rules for Load Controlled Stresses in Structures Other than Bolts HBH-3221 (;eneral Requirenients
Allowable stress criteria for Design Limits are discussed in Section l1.4.4.3i.l and critcna for Service Limits in Section As discussed above, how the limits on loading and material response at elevated temperature are classified into load-controlled and displacement-controlled quantities is discussed in Section l7.4.43.4, Stress and Strain categories and controlled Quantities. Also shown in Section is the flow diagram for elevated-temperature analysis. Figure HBB-322l-l, that replaces the hopper diagrams used to illustrate the sequential application of the design rules below the creep regime. Weld metal rupture strength factors are discussed as well in Section
HBB-3222.1 Design Limits
Section describes the limits for Design Loadings, which are analogous to the allowable stress
values in BPVC Section I and BPVC Section V Ill. Division I.
HBB-3223 Level A and B Service Limits. HBB- 3224 Level C Service Limits, and HBB-Level D Service Limits
The limits for the primary membrane portion of the combined membrane and bending loading in HBB-3223. HI3B-3224. and HBB-3225 arc described in Section The limits for the primary bending portion of the combined membrane and bending loading in HBB-3223. HBB-3224. and HBB-3225 are described in Section This also includes the rationale for the bcndin stress load factors that address the reduced load carrying capacity in bending with creep as compared to the ideal elastic-plastic distribution applicable below the creep regime. Section discusses the use fraction approach to account l1r a component not operating at a single temperature and/or primary load level throughout its operating history. The applicable code paragraph for usc-fraction is HBB-3224(b).