ASME OMa:2011 pdf free download

ASME OMa:2011 pdf free download

ASME OMa:2011 pdf free download.Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants.
(f) Tests and examinations shall meet the requirements of the edition and addenda of this Section sped- fled in the following paragraphs:
(1) Preservke Test Period, The test plan for the preservice test period shall comply with the latest edition and addenda of this Section that have been adopted by the regulatory authority 36 cnn prior to the dneket date of the unit’s construction permit, or the edition and addenda of the OM Code referenced in the unit’s Combined License, as applicable. Alternatively, the test plan for the prvservice test period shall comply with subsequent editions and addenda that have been adopted by the regulatory authorit) Speciuic portions of such subsequent editions and addenda may be used, provided all related requirements are mel
(2) Initial lnserpice Test lnfrrrel. The test plan for the initial inservice test interval shall comply with the latest edition and addenda of the Section that have been adopted by the regulatory authority 12 mo prior to the issuance of the operating license, or 12 mc) before the date scheduled for the initial loading of fuel under a Combined License, as applicable. Alternatively, the test plan for the initial inservice test interval shall comply with subsequent editions and addenda that have been adopted by the regulatory authority Specific portions of such subsequent editions or addenda may be used, provided all related requirements are met.
(ii) Successire bsserz’ke Test Intensds, 11w test plan for each successive inservice test interval shall comply with the edition and addenda of the Section that have been adopted by the regulatory authority 12 mo prior to the start of the inservice test interval, or subsequent editions and addenda that have been adopted by the regulatory authority. Specific portions of such subsequent editions or addenda may be used, provided all related requirements are met.
ISTA-3300 Corrective Actions
Corrective actions requiring repair/replacement activities shall be performed in accordance with ASME Section Xl. as applicable. Other corrective actions shall be performed in accordance with the Owner’s quality assurance program.
ISTA-4100 Range and Accuracy
Instrumentation and test equipment used in performing the examination and testing program shall have the range and accuracy necessary todemonstrateconlormance to specific examination or test requirements.
ISTA-4200 Calibration
All instruments and test equipment used in performing the examination and testing program shall be calibrated and controlled in accordance with theOwner’s administrative procedures or a quality assur-ance program approved by the Owner.