ASME P30.1:2014 pdf free download

ASME P30.1:2014 pdf free download

ASME P30.1:2014 pdf free download.Planning for Load Handling Activities.
The decision to use a standard lift plan should be based on the considerations outlined in Chapter 2. The lift director should determine that none of these considerations would cause the load handling activity to be recategorized.
Prior to the load handling activity, the lift director should verify that the standard lift plan has been developed. The standard lift plan can be written or verbal. See Nonmandatory Appendix A for an example lift plan template.
(a) The standard lift plan should identify, evaluate, and address the following for all phases of the load handling activity:
(1) the load, its weight, center of gravity, and attachment points
(2) the gross load is within the LHE’s rated capacity as configured
(3) the rigging
(a) is selected to have sufficient rated capacity for the intended configuration
(b) is configured to secure and stabilize the load
(c) and the load are protected from damage (4) movement of the LHE and load
(5) the personnel required to execute the load handling activity
(6) site conditions, weather, work area, LHE foundation and support, utilities, support services, and ancillary equipment
(7) communication method or system
(8) site control for vehicular and pedestrian access and potential interferences
(9) contingency considerations
(10) emergency action plan
(11) for repetitive lifts, additional LHE and rigging inspection and maintenance
(b) Standard lift plans do not require documentation unless required by site policies or as otherwise warranted.
(a) Prior to executing the load handling activity, the participants should communicate and agree upon the details of the plan and their assignments.
(b) For repetitive lifts, the lift director should decide the frequency of pre-lift reviews. Pre-lift reviews may not he required prior to each repetition of the lift.
(c) Concerns raised during the pre-lift review should be addressed prior to proceeding with the load handling activity.
(a) The load handling activity should only commence after
(1) all setup and preparation requirements of the plan are in place
(2) all required inspections and tests of the LHE and rigging equipment have been completed
(3) all requirements of the plan continue to be met and no conditions exist that would preclude implementation of the plan
(b) If the operation deviates from the plan, the load handling activity should be stopped and evaluated. The deviation should be resolved before resuming the load handling activity. Changes or modifications to the plan should be communicated to all affected load handling personnel.
(a) After completion of the load handling activity, any measures identified by the participants to improve future load handling activities should be communicated to the appropriate personnel.
(b) For repetitive lifts, the lift director should decide the frequency of post-lilt reviews and evaluation of the lift plan. Post-lift reviews may not be required after each repetition of the load handling activity.