ASME PCC-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME PCC-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME PCC-1:2019 pdf free download.Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly.
hard.foced gaskets: gaskets that are constructed entirely from metal and do not have a soft filler material on the laces that come into contact with the flange seating surfaces or have insufficient filler material to fill imperlections on the flange faces. It may not be acceptable to categorize by gasket type as extremely thin gaskets or gaskets without sufficient filler will not fill imperfections and therefore are categorized as hard-faced gaskets. Metal-faced gaskets, such as flat metal. RTJ. or doublejacketed gaskets, are categorized as hard•faced gaskets, See also hard gaskets.
hardgasket includes grooved-metal gaskets, corrugated- metal gaskets, and flat, solid-metal gaskets. Hard gaskets arc typically defined as gaskets that have less than 1.0mm (0.04 in.) compression during assembly. Generally speaking, it is not appropriate to classify gaskets as hard or soft based solely on physical hardness or softness of the gasket material Itself. For example. 1.5-mm (1/16-ln.) thick PTFE, flexible-graphite, or fiber gaskets are classi fled as hard gaskets. See also hard-faced gaskets.
NOTE: RTJ gaskets and lens gaskets ire a special case and are addressed separately in sections D-3 and F-3.
soft-faced gaskets: gaskets that are constructed from or have a soft filler material on the faces that come into contact with the flange seating surfaces. Soft-faced gaskets have sufficient soft filler (such as graphite. rubber, or PTFE) that both the gasket substrate and flange seating surface finish will be filled and additional lillerexists on the gasket such that any small Imperfections will also be filled as the gasket Is compressed between the flanges. It may not be acceptable to categorize by gasket type as extremely thin sheet gaskets or gaskets without sufficient filler or facing will not till Imperfections and therefore are categorized as hard-faced gaskets. See also soft 9askets.
soft gaskets: includes gaskets where the movement between the flange faces during assembly is relatively large, e.g.. PTFE. spiral-wound. and compressed-fiber or flexible-graphite-sheet gaskets. Soft gaskets are typically defined as gaskets that have more than 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) compression during assembly. It is not appropriate to classify gaskets as hard or soft based solely on physical hardness or softness of the gasket material itself.
For example, 1.5-mm (/6-in.) thick PTFE, flexiblegraphite, or fiber gaskets do not have sufficient compression to be classified as soft gaskets. See also soft-faced gaskets.
NOTE: RT] gaskets and lens gaskets are a special case and are addressed separately in sections D-3 and F-3.
applied tensioner load: the load applied to the bolt by the tensioner (ie, prior to load loss).
assembly bolt stress: the Target Bolt Stress for a joint assembly to obtain the desired target gasket stress (refer to Appendix 0].