ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf free download

ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf free download

ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf free download.Guidelines for Addressing Data Gaps and Recordkeeping for ASME B31.4, B31.8 and B31.8S for Pipeline Integrity Management.
review initiative, following the San Bruno failure, to index their records thoroughly with document management systems and are using GIS to interface with records for specific pipeline component(s). This document management index provides them with an easier and more efficient document review, and the GIS interface provides the operator and the operator’s designees (i.e.. the Decision Makers) more efficient on-going access to the pipeline system data and records.
1.3 Recommendations
Practices from industries, such as the automotive, airline/aerospace, and food processing industries, were also reviewed, but the pipeline industry’s unique set ofeharactenstics made direct comparisons challenging. For example. the airline industry is highly critical to safety and is materials dependent. hut all of the components of an airplane can be removed and/or inspected from a single hanger and without the need to excavate. This makes the data and recordkeeping needs fundamentally different from pipelines, which are hidden from view across a widespread geographic area and must be excavated to be inspected.
Lessons learned from studying international pipeline standards in Section I. I. Background o Data and Recordkeeping in the Pipeline Industry, and from other industries reviewed in Section 1.2 have pointed to the following improvements that can potentially be made in the near term and longer term, including:
I. Normalize the data and record types that should be maintained.
a. The authors propose a legacy normalization process that utilizes a common reliability ranking system (or document hierarchy: See Section 5).
b. The authors propose a go-forward normalization approach of common minimum data forms and report templates like those ftiund in the ASME BPVC standards fir the nuclear industry.
2. Formally dedicate resources specifically o recordkeeping roles and responsibilities.
3. Provide more accessibility of the data and records to company deputies.
These lessons are likely to be a continuous improvement effort, as opposed to a one-time fix. but the text in the remainder of this guideline is provided as guidance w help the industry take the next steps to address these lessons learned.
The ISO standard 15489-I would suggest the actions taken to make records more “useable” ensures “a user has the ability to access the necessary data within a reasonable time period.” [24]