ASME PTC 18:2002 pdf free download

ASME PTC 18:2002 pdf free download

Unless otherwise provided, head losses between the high-pressure and low.pressuiv sections are charged to the machine. Other head losses including those due to conduits upstream and/or downstream of the machine intakes, trashracks, gate., valves and the discharge velocity head loss at the conduit exits shall not be charged to the turbine or credited to the pump.
At installation.s where an absolute flow rate measurement is not practical or desirable, the index method (paras, 4C.1 through 4C1S) may be used. Index testing makes use of the relative flow rate in order to dc4erniine relative machine efficiency.
In the case of a machine with both adjustable wicket gates and adjustable runner blades, index testing should be carried out before the performance Ist to determine the best gate and blade combination. The positions of the wicket gates and runner blades for various positions of the operating mechanisms shall be accurately measured and suitable reference scales provided. These scales shall beaccessihie during operation and their irsdic-ations shall be reconied during the test.
For pumped storage installations, with small reservoirs. tests can be conducted conveniently over the entire operating head range. One or more runs at the various gate openings shall be conducted at each of several heads, using machined metal spacers, ii ntccssar for accurately and positively blocking the gate servomotors at each position,
For pumped storage installations with large reservoirs it may be convenient to conduct tests at only one point in the head range. At each constant head, sufficient test runs shaH be conducted at the same gate opening using metal spacers, if necessary, to reduce the positioning error.
Preliminary test runs complete with records and catcubtions shall be conducted to ensure that the equipment, instrunwntation, personnel. and procedures are functioning properly. Any problems shall be corrected prior to proceeding with the official test, If agreeable to the Parties to the Test, preliminary runs may be considered to be official runs.
True copies of all official test data taken manually or electronically, test logs, notes. sample calculations,results, and plots along with pre-test instrument calibra-tions shall be provided to the Parties to the Test priorto the dismantiing of the test instrumentation or depar-ture of the test group from the site. Programs that areused to calculate results may be considered as proprie-tary. However, sufficient information needs to be pro-vided for the true copies which permits the duplicateddata to be used to calculate the test results.These copieswill provide the Parties to the Test with all informationplusensure the safekeeping and integrity of the test data.
Preliminary results shall be computed during thecourse of the test and these results, together withselected important measurements,shall be plotted ongraphs. Any run which appears to be inconsistent withthe other runs or appears to exceed limits of deviationor fluctuation shall be repeated.However, test recordsof all runs shall be retained.