ASME PTC 22:2005 pdf free download

ASME PTC 22:2005 pdf free download

ASME PTC 22:2005 pdf free download.Gas Turbines.
3-2.3 Protection of Instrument Uncertainty
Instrumentation used for data collection must be at least as accurate as instrumentation identified in the pretest uncertainty analysis. This instrumentation can either be permanent plant instrumentation or temporary test instrumentation.
Multiple instruments should be used as needed to reduce overall test uncertainty. The frequency of data cotlection is dependent on the particular measurement and the duration of the test. To the extent practical, multiple readings should be collected to minimize the random error impact on the post-test uncertainty analysis. The use of automated data acquisition system.% is recommended to facilitate acquiring sufficient data.
Calibration or adequate checks of all instruments prior to the test must be carried out, and those records and calibration reports must be made available. Following the test, recalibration or verification is required for those in.strumenLs that present an inconsistency observed by a party.
3-2.4 Equipment Inspection and Cleanliness
Prior to conducting a test, the cleanliness and condition of the equipment shall be determined by inspection of equipment or review of operational records, or both and witnessed by all parties. Cleaning, such as off line compressor water wash, should be completed prior to the test and equipment cleanliness agreed upon.
The gas turbine should he checked to ensure that equipment and subsystems are installed and operating in accordance with their design parameters.
It should be noted that all gas turbines are subject to performance degradation over time at differing rates depending on fuels, air and water quality, methods of dispatch and care in operation and maintenance of the gas turbines. It is recommended that there be an agreement by the parties to the test as to the definition of what constitutes a new and clean unit and the application method of any appropriate degradation curves.
3-2.5 Preliminary Operation and Adjustment
Before starting the test, the gas turbine shall be operated for sufficient time to demonstrate that there is acceptable mechanical operation and stable control and that the operating variables are within the deviation shown in Table 3-35. Verification shall be made at this time that the gas turbine is operating in accordance with the con-trol curve or control algorithm provided by the manu-facturer. During this period, instruments shall be checked.3-2.6 Preliminary Testing
Preliminary testing should be conducted sufficiently inadvance of the start of the overall performance test to al-low time to calculate preliminary results, make final ad-justments, and modify the test requirements and / or testequipment.Results from the preliminary testing shouldbe calculated and reviewed to identify any problems withthe quantity and quality of measured data.