ASME PTC 47.2:2019 pdf free download

ASME PTC 47.2:2019 pdf free download

ASME PTC 47.2:2019 pdf free download.Gasification Block of an lntegrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant.
energy balance method: a method ofdetermining equipment efficiency by a detailed accounting ofall energy enteringand leaving the equipment envelope. Sometimes called the heat balance method.
entrained.flow.qasifIer: a type of gasifier characterized by cocurrent Flow of the hydrocarbon feed and oxidizing medium. Flow may be upward or downward.
error, random: error resulting from the fact that repeated measurements of the same quantity by the same measuring system operated by the same personnel do not yield identical values. It is a statistical quantity that is expected to be normally distributed. Also called precision error.
error, systematic: the difference between the average of the total population and the true value, which characterizes every member of any set of measurements from the population. Sometimes called bias error.
error, total: the difference between the true value and the measured value, which includes both random and systematic error.
field calibration: see calibration, field.
fixed carbon: the carbonaceous residue less the ash remaining after the volatile matter has been driven o11 flare: equipment used for combusting vent gas, off-gas. or tail gas from the gasification process prior to emission into the atmosphere.
fluldized bed: a bed olcombustible and noncombustible particles through which a fluid (predominantly air or oxygen and steam in fluidized-bed generators) is caused to flow upward at a velocity sufficient to suspend the particles and impart them with a fluid-like motion.
fluldized bed, bubbling: a fluidized bed in which the superficial gas velocity Is less than the terminal velocity of most of the individual particles. Part of the gas passes through the bed as bubbles. This results in a distinct bed region because the fluidizing gases carry an insignificant amount of the bed away.
fluidized bed, circulating: a fluidized bed in which the fluidizing gas velocity exceeds the terminal velocity of most of the individual particles, so that they are carried from the combustion chamber and later reinjected.
free moisture: in coal, the portion of total moisture (see ASTM D3302) that is in excess of Inherent moisture in coal (see ASTM D1412). It is not to be equated with weight loss upon coal air-drying. Free moisture is sometimes referred to as surface moisture in connection with coal or coke.
freeboard disengaging: an open area in the top of fluldized-bed gasification vessels for separation of solids from the gas. fuel gas contaminantc: compounds that are either potentially deleterious to the gas turbine and power block in general or are precursors to stack emissions. Examples of fuel gas contaminants include
(a) compounds containing sulfur [e.g.. hydrogen sulfide (l12S) and carbonyl sulfide (COS)j
(b) compounds containing nitrogen e.g., ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN)J
(c) compounds containing chlorine Ie.g., hydrogen chloride (HCI)j
(d) tars and condensables (I.e., organic compounds designated as CxHy, which may either be long-chain hydrocarbons or cyclic compounds)
(e) particulates (i.e., inert ash and potentially corrosive components for the gas turbine including vanadium, lead, calcium, and nickel)
(f) volatilized alkali metals (i.e. sodium and potassium).