ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf free download

ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf free download

ASME PTC 47.4:2015 pdf free download.Power Block of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Power Plant.
34.3.1 Preliminary Test Runs. Preliminary test runs, with records, serve to determine if equipment is in suitabk’ condition to test, to check instruments and nwthods of measurement, to check adequacy of organization and procedures, and to train personnel. All par. ties to thy test may conduct reasonable preliminary test runs as necessary. Obs& ations during preliminary test runs should be carried through to the calculation oE results as an overall check of procedure, layout, and organization. II such preliminary test run complies with all the necessary requirements of the appropriate lest code, it may be used as an official test run within the meaning of the applicable code.
34.3.2 Conduct of Test. The parties to the test shall designate a person, hereafter called the test coordinator, to direct the test. lntercoinn,unication arrangements should be established between all test personnel, all parties to the test, and the test coordinator. Complete written records of the test, even including details that at the time may seem irrelevant, should be reported. ControLs by ordinary operating (indicating, reporting. or integrating) instruments. paparaticwl of graphical logs, and close supervision should be established to give assurance that the equipment under test is operatmg in substantial accord with the intended conditions. If a commercial test, accredited representatives vi the purchaser and the manufacturer or supplier should be present at all time,. to assure themselves that the tests are being conducted according to the test code and prior agreement
(a) Operating PhUosophy The tests should be conducted as closely as possible to specified operating conditions. thereby reducing the magnitude and number of corrections for deviations from specified conditions.
(b) Starting and Stopping. Acceptance and other official tests shall be conducted as promptly as possibic. folkiwing initial equipment operation and preliminary test runs. The equipment should be operated for sufficient time to demonstrate that intended test conditions have been established, e.g., steady state. Agreement on procedures and time should be reached before commencing the test-
This subsection provides guidelines on the actual conduct of the performance test and addresses the following areas.
3-5.3 Stabilization
The power block shall be in stable operation for atleast 1 hr before starting the test.
3-5.4 Starting criteria
The test coordinator shall be responsible for ensuringthat all data collection begins at the agreed-upon startof the test, and that all parties to the test are informed ofthe starting time. Prior to starting each performance test,the following conditions shall be satisfied:
(a)Operafion and Cowfiguratiort.The unit is in theproper configuration and being operated in accordancewith the agreed-upon test requirements.
(b) Stabilizatior. The plant shall be operated for asufficient period of time at test load to demonstrateand verify stability in accordance with para.3-5.3.Alloperating parameters shall be within the acceptable test range.