ASME SA 370:2019 pdf free download

ASME SA 370:2019 pdf free download

8.1,3 Cast Steels — Test coupons for castings from which tension test specimens arc prepared shall be in accordance with the requirements of Specifications A 703/A 703M or A 7X1/A 7XlM. as applicable.
8.2 Sire and Tolerances — Test specimens shall he the full thickness or section of material as-rolled, or rnaw be machined to the kwm and dimensions shown in Figs. 3—6. inclusive. The selection of size and tpe of specimen is prcscnhcd by the applicable product specification. Full section specimens shall be testcd in 8 in. (200 mm) gage length unless otherwise specified in the product specification.
8.3 Procurr,ricni of Tnt Specimens .— Specimens shall be sheared, blanked, sawed. trcpanned. or oxygen-cut from potlions of the material. They arc usually machined so as to have a reduced cros,s section at mid-length in order to obtain uniform distribution of the stress over the cross section and to localize Lhe zone of fracture. When test coupons are sheared, blanked, sawed, or oxygen-cut. care shall be taken to remove by machining all distorted, cold- worked, or heat-affected areas from the edges of the section used in evaluating the test.
8.4 Aging of Test Specimens — Unless otherwise specified, it shall he permissible to age tension test specimens. The time-temperature cycle employed must he such that the effects of previous processing will not be materially changed, It may be accomplished by aging at room temperature 24 to 48 h. or in shorter lime at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in waler, heating in oil or in an oven.
8.5 Measurement of Dimensions of Test Specimens:
8.5.1 Standard Rectangular Tension Test Sped’ ,nens — These forms of specimens arc shown in Fig. 3. To determine the cross-sectional area, the center width dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.005 in. (0.13 mmf for the 8 in. (200 romI gage 1enth specimen and 0.001 in. O.025 mm) for the 2 in. (50 mm) gage length specimen in Fig. 3. The center thickness dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0,001 in. for both specimens.
8.5.2 Standard Round Tension Test Specimen.s — These forms of specimens are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig.
5. To determine the cross-sectional area, the diameter shall be measured at the center of the gage length to the nearest 0,001 in. O.025 mm) (see Table I).
8.6 General — Test specimens shall be either substantially full size or machined, ax prescribed in the product speci&ations for the inatenal hein tested.
8.6.1 Improperly prepared test specimens often cause unsatisfactory test results. It is important. therefore, that care be exercised in the preparation of specimens. particubrly in the machining, to assure good workmanship.