ASME SA-961 /SA-961M:2021 pdf free download

ASME SA-961 /SA-961M:2021 pdf free download

3.2.4 flange, n — a component for bolted joints used in piping systems.
3.2.5 forging, n — the product of a substantially cornpressive hot or cold plastic working operation that consolidates the m.tterial and produces the required shape. Di.wu.’&on — The plastic working must be performed by a tirgirig machine, such as a hammer, press, or ring rolling machine, and must deform the material to produce a wrought structure throughout the material cross section.
3.2.6 .%ea,nk.sN tubing. n — a tubular product made without a welded seam. Discus.sion — It is manufactured usually by hot working the material, and if necessary, by subsequently cold finishing the hot worked tubular product to produce the desired shape. dimensions and properties.
4. Ordering Information
4.1 It is the purchaser’s responsibility to specify in the purchase order all ordering information necessary to purchase the needed material. Examples of such information include, but arc not limited to. the following:
4.1.1 Quantity.
4.1.2 Size and pressure class or dimensions. (tolerances and surface finishes should be included),
4.1.3 Specification number with grade or class, or both, as applicable, and year/date.
4.1.4 Supplementary requirements, and
4.1.5 Additional requirements.
S. Melting Process
5.1 Unless otherwise specified in the individual Product Specification, the steel shall he fully killed.
5.2 I a specific type of melting is required by the purchaser, it shall be stated on the purchase order.
5.3 The primary melting may incorporate separate dcgassing or refining and may be followed by secondary melting, such as electroslag remelting or vacuum remelting. If secondary melting is employed, the heat shall be defined as all of the ingot remelted from a single primary heat.
5.4 Steel may he cast in or may be strand cast. When steel of different grades is sequentially strand cast, identification of the resultant transition material is required. The steel producer shall remove the transition material by an established procedure that positively separates the grades.
5.5 A sufficient discard shall he made from the source material to secure freedom from injurious porosity and shrinkage. and undue segregation.
6. Manufacture
6.1 The finished part shall be manufactured from a forging that is as close as practicable to the finished size or shape. Alternaiie starting materials may be used. hut with the following exceptions and requirements.
6.1.1 Bar — flanges. clN)ws, return bends, tees, and header tees shall not be machined directly from bar, Other hollow cylindrical shaped parts up to, and including. NPS 4 can be machined from bar provided that the axial length of the pan is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the starting stock.
6.1.2 Wrought Seamless Pipe and Tubing — Flanges shall not be machined directly from seamless pipe or tub. ing. Other hollow cylindrical shaped parts can be machined from seamless pipe and tubing provided that the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal how lines of the starting stock.