ASME STP-NU-037:2013 pdf free download

ASME STP-NU-037:2013 pdf free download

The criteria (or setting the allowable stresses 11w construction of Class I nuclear components first appeased in ASN1E Section III Code Case 133 1-5 in 1971 and were descioped (or application to the Fast Flux Test Facility i H-Th). These criteria, identified by Snow and Jakub in 1982. were essentially the same as those currently utili,ed in ASME Ill-NIl 1101. Only 30411 and 31611 stainless steels were included in Code Case 1331-5. but a year later alloy liCE was introduced into Code Case 1331-6 and, later that year. 2 ‘4 Cr-lMo steel was incorporated into Code Case 1331-8. There was interest in the tine-pained higher strenglh alloy liCE i tiNS OX&t0I (a.’ use in heat exchangers at temperatures below 1200°F. and much of the data accumulated was on alloy 800 rather than alloy 80011 (UND 088101. Subsequent changes to Code Case 1331-5, which led to Code Case 1592 and eventually to Code Case N-47-19 in 1979. were outlined by Snow and Jakub in 19112 1101. ‘The database’. used to set the stress allowahles in the code cases were the same as those used by Smith for non-nuclear construction codes,
In the late 1960s and early 1970s. work to expand the databases was undertaken, Efforts melded testing sponsored by the Metals Properties Council and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for all of the materials in the Class I components nuclear construction code cases. Further, collection of data from overseas sources was undertaken by Booker and co-workers, among others 1111, 1121. Booker performed an evaluation of newer data for 30411 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel and alloy 80011 1121. He produced a table that summarited the database that produced the A.SMF. Ill Code Case N-47 stress allowables and compared the database with a new database as shown in Table 6. Booker found that the stress allowables provided in ASMF Ill Code Case N-47 for 304H stainless steel were appropriate and no changes were needed. Examination of the allowable stresses provided in the code cases of the 1970s for 30411 and 31611 stainless steels revealed that stresses are identical to those currently in ASME Section Ill-NH.
Because of its worldwide usage in ASME Section I and VIII components, the 9Cr-1Mo-V steel
database has grown substantially in the last 15 years. Most new data were restricted to stress -rupture but some additional information on creep behavior was accumulated [21],[221. Unfortunately, most of the“new” data are not freely available. Nevertheless, the data have been used to assess the adequacy of the stress allowables in the ASME and overseas construction codes for boilers, pressure vessels and piping. Table 8 provides a summary of the development of the current database.