ASME STS-1:2000 pdf free download

ASME STS-1:2000 pdf free download

ASME STS-1:2000 pdf free download.EDITION STEEL STACKS.
2.2 Materials
The Materials listed in tie following sections are suggested for use based on their abillity to meet the physical, mechanical, chemical, and cnvironmcntal requirements of a given application. Acceptance of a material for a specific application must be based on service experience or independent verification of its suitability.
2.2.1 General Considerations
(a) Materials shall conform t0 the applicable requirements in the sections lhercinafter detailed.
(b) The conuractor shali submit one copy of the chemical-composition and mechanical-property mill lest reports for all stccls uscd to the owner for approval prior to construction unless otherwisc indicated.
(C) When required for tcsting purposes, the contractor will furnish the owner with identified scrap samples of the shell plates.
(d) This section does not apply to linings and coatings of stacks. See Section 3.
(e) Corrosion allowances shall be considered (typically /6 in. to /g in.) where carbon, high-strength, low alloy, and alloy steels are ised. Experience or the results of tests should be used when selecting an allowance.
2.2.2 Shell and Base Plates. For more infomation on this subject, see Tables B-1 through B-11 in
Nonmandatory Appendix B.
(Q) Shell and base plates typically may be of one or more of the following structural quality materials:
(1) Carbon steels conforming to the ASTM A 36, A 283, or A 529 Specifcations;
(2) High-strength, low alloy steels conforming to the ASTM A 242, A 572, or A 588 Speefcations;
(3) Stainless steels conforming to the ASTM A 666 Specification;
(4) Stainless chromium-nickel steel clad plate conforming to ASTM A 264 and nickel-base alloy clad steel conforming to ASTM A 265 may be considered for use as shell plate;
(5) Metals listed in Malerials Appendix (i.e, Nonmandatory Appendix B), Table B-9 may be used not only as sheet linings and cladding but also as solid plate for shell plates.
(b) Pressure vessel quaity carbon stecls such as ASTM A 285, A 515, and A 516; alloy steels such
as ASTM A 387; and stainless steels such as ASTM A 240 may be substuted for structural quality materials as appropriate.