ASME Y14.37:2019 pdf free download

ASME Y14.37:2019 pdf free download

ASME Y14.37:2019 pdf free download.Product Definition for Composite Parts.
3.39 PresentatIon State
presentation state a rett-ievable collection, or set, of model display elements arranged For formal display to the viewer (e.g. saved views. viewing onentatlon. assembly component configurations including selective display of components. section views, detail views. broken-out views. exploded condition, and geometry display methods indoding appearance).
3.40 Rosette
roSette: a ply onentation coordinate system with an astociated ply orientation traisslormation type.
3.41 Seed Point
seed point a reference point at which the ply orientation direction is determined by the associated ply orientation, ply orientation coordinate system, and the ply orientation transformation type. (i.e.. the origin of the ply orientation symbol or locally transferred ply orientation symbol).
3.42 Sequence
sequence: denotes a sub-bond configuration (e.g. grouping of plies) for design definition and darity. Also used to define the manufacturing process (e.g. tie groups of plies to specific tooling or process methodologies).
3.43 Tape
rape: A material with fibers all in one direction. usually a prepreg.
3.44 Toot Side Surface
tool sfde swfrre: the surface of the part adjacent to the tool surface, See Figure 3-2.
3.45 TooL Side View
tool,ide view: a view of the ply definItions with a viewing direction looking through the part towards the tool side surface. See Figures 3-1 and 3-2.
3.46 Tow
tow an untwisted bundle 0 continuous tibment.s, Commonly used in rekrring to man-made fibers, particularly carbon and graphite fibers in the composites lndustiy (CMH-17).
3.47 Vector Product
vector product In mathematics and vector algebra, the vector product (or cross product) is a binary operation on two vectors In three-dimensional space. Given two linearly Independent vectors a and b. the vector product isa vector that Is perpendicular to both a and b and therefore normal to the plane containing them.
Assign a Part or ldentifying Number(PIN) in accordance with ASMEY14.100.A PIN is not required for individual plies.For ply lidentification, see para 7.1.
Prepare parts list in accordance with ASME Y14.34,Material for each ply of the part may be specified in the NOTEScolumn by reference to the ply table such as SEE PLY TABLE.
ASMEY14.41 requirements for product definition apply. In context of this Standard the term “model shall be gener-ically used to refer to a model or annotated model (as defined by ASME Y14.41)〕. In addition, the following requirementsapply to composite part definition:
(a) Composite product definition shall use one of the following classification codes from ASMEY14.100:1,2,3, or 5.(by Model requirements apply only to classification codes 3 and 5 (ASME Y14.100), unless otherwise specified,(c) For classification codes 2 and 3 per ASMEY14.100,composite product definition created or shown in the modelandsubsequently shown on the drawing graphic sheet shall not conflict.
6.1 Common Requirements
Composite praduct definition data set requirements shall include
(a) all data necessary to completely define the part.
(b)identification of the tooll side surface(s).
(c) complete surface definition[(s) to define the envelope of the part, including dimensioning and tolerancing-
(d) a part representation in the end item condition including variations due to ply drop-off, core shape, etc. See Figure 3-1.