ASTM A135:19 pdf download

ASTM A135:19 pdf download

ASTM A135:2019 pdf download.Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe.
I I .3.2 The eddy-current examination referenced in this specification has the capability of detecting significant imperfections, especially of the short, abrupt type.
11.3.3 The hydrostatic test referred to in Section 10 is a test mehod provided for in many product specifications. This test has the capability of finding imperfections of a size permitting the test fluid to leak through the tube wall and may he either visually seen or detected by a loss of pressure. This test may not detect very tight. through-the-wall imperfections or imperfections that extend an appreciable distance into the wall without complete penetration.
11.3.4 A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type, size, location, and orientation) of imperfections that can be detected in the specific application of these examinations should discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular product.
11.4 In order to accommodate the various types of nondestructive electric testing equipment and techniques in use, the calibration pipe shall contain, at the option of the producer, any one or more of the following discontinuitics to establish a minimum sensitivity level for rejection:
11 .4.1 Drilled Hole—A hole not larger than 0.031-in. [0.8- mmj diameter shall he drilled radially and completely through pipe wall, preferably in the weld area, care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while drilling.
11.4.2 Transverse Tangential Notch—A notch shall be filed or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitudinal axis of the pipe preferably in the weld area. Said notch shall have a depth not exceeding 12.5 % of the nominal wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004 in., [0.10 mm], whichever is greater.
11 .4.3 Longitudinal Notch—A notch 0.03 1 in. [0.8 mm] or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the pipe axis on the outside surface of the pipe preferably in the weld area, to have a depth not exceeding 12.5 % of the nominal wall thickness of the pipe or 0.004 in. (0.10 mm]. whichever is greater.
11.5 Pipe producing a signal equal to or greater than the calibration imperfection shall he rejected.
12. Dimensions, Weight (Mass), and Permissible Variations
12.1 Weight (Mass)—The weight (mass) of any length of pipe other than Schedule 10 shall not vary more than 3.5 % under or 10 % over that specified, but the carload weight (mass) shall be not more than 1.75 % under the nominal weight (mass). The weight (mass) of pipe furnished to Schedule 10 shall not vary more than ± 10 % from that calculated using the weight (mass) per unit length prescribed in Appendix Table X I . I. The weight (mass) of the pipe shall he calculated from the relevant equation in ASME B36.lOM.
NOTE 4—A system of standard pipe sizes has been approved by the American National Standards Institute as American National Standard for Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (ASME B36.1OM).