ASTM A249:15 pdf download

ASTM A249:15 pdf download

ASTM A249:15 pdf download.Standard Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes.
7. Chemical Composition
7. 1 The heat analysis shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition given in i’ahle I.
8. Product Analysis
8.1 An analysis of either one length of flat-rolled stock or one tube shall be made for each heat. The chemical composition thus determined shall cordorm to the requirements given in Section 7.
8.2 A product analysis tolerance of Table Al.l in Specification A480/A480M shall apply. The product analysis tolerance is not applicable to the carbon content for material with a specified maximum carbon of 0.04 % or less.
8.3 If the original test for product analysis fails, retests of two additional lengths of flat-rolled stock or tubes shall be made. Both retests for the elements in question shall meet the requirements of the specification otherwise all remaining material in the heat or lot (See Note I) shall be rejected or. at the option of the producer, each length of flat-rolled stock or tube may be individually tested for acceptance. Lengths of flat- rolled stock or tubes that do not meet the requirements of the specification shall be rejected.
NuIE I—For flattening and flange requirements, the term lot applies to all tubes Prior to cutting of the same nominal size and wall thickness which are produced from the same heat of steel. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace, a lot shall include only those tubes of the same size and
from the same heat which are heat treated in the same furnace charge.
When the final heat treatment is in a continuous furnace, the number of tubes of the same size and from the same heat in a lot shall be determined from the size of the tubes as prescribed in Table 3.
NOTE 2—For tension and hardness test requirements, the term lot applies to all tubes prior to cutting, of the same nominal diameter and wall thickness which are produced from the same heat of steel. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace, a lot shall include only those tubes of the same size and the same heat which are heat treated in the same furnace charge. When the final heat treatment is in a continuous furnace, a lot shall include all tubes of the same size and heat, annealed in the same furnace at the same temperature. Lime at heat, and furnace speed.
9. Tensile Requirements
9. 1 The material shall conform to the tensile properties prescribed in Table 4.
10. Hardness Requirements
10.1 The tubes shall have a Rockwell hardness number not exceeding the values specified in Table 4.
11. Reverse-Bend Test Requirement
11.1 A section 4 in. 1100 mliii minimum in length shall he split longitudinally 900 on each side of the weld. The sample shall then be opened and bent around a mandrel with a maximum thickness of four times the wall thickness, with the mandrel parallel to the weld and against the original outside surface of the tube. The weld shall be at the point of maximum bend. There shall be no evidence of cracks, or of overlaps resulting from the reduction in thickness of the weld areas by cold working. When the geometry or size of the tubing make it difficult to test the sample as a single piece, the sample may be sectioned into smaller pieces provided a minimum of 4 in. of weld is subjected to reverse bending.