ASTM A252:19 pdf download

ASTM A252:19 pdf download

ASTM A252:2019 pdf download.Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles.
13.2 Lengths that have been spliced at the mill by welding shall be acceptable as the equivalent of unspliced lengths provided tension lest spccimcns cut from sample splices conform to the tensile strength requirements prescribed in Tables I and 2. The welding head shall nOt be removed bc this test, Such specimens shall he made in accordance with the provisions specified in Sections 16 — 18.
14. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
14.1 The finished pipe piles shall be reasonably straight and shall not contain impcr1ctions in such number or of such character as to render the pipe unsuitable for pipe piles.
14.2 Surface imperfections having a depth not in excess of
12.5 % of thc specified nominal wall thickness shall be acceptable. It shall be permissible to establish the depth of such imperfections by grinding or filing.
14.3 Surface imperfections having a depth in excess of
12.5 (3f of the specified nominal wall thickness shall be considered to be defects. It shall be permissible for defects not deeper than 33’ti % of the specified nominal wall thickness to he repaired by welding, provided that the defect is completely removed prior to welding.
15. Ends
15.1 Pipe piles shall be furnished with plain ends. Unless otherwise specified. pipe piles shall have either flame—cut or machine—cut ends, with the burrs at the ends removed. Where ends are specified to be beveled, they shall be beveled to an angle of 30 +5. .-4)°, measured from a line drawn perpendicular to the axis of the pipe pile.
16. Number of Tests
16.1 One tension test shall be made on one length or fraction thereof of each size, or one piece of skelp representing each heat lot.
16.2 A retest shall be allowed if the percentage of elongation of any test tension specimen is less than that prescribed in Tables I and 2 and any part of the fracture is more than ¾ in. [19 mm] from the center of the gage length for test specimens having a 2—in. 150 mml gage length. or is outside of the middle third of the gage length for test specimens having an 8—in. 1200 mm J gage length. as indicated by scribe scratches marked on the specimen beflire testing. A retest shall also be allowed if any part of thc fracture is in an inside or outside surface imperfection.
16.3 It shall be permissible to discard any test specimen that shows defective machining or develops imperfections and substitute another test specimen.
17. Retests
17.1 If the results of the tension test representing any heat lot fail to conform to the applicable requirements prescribed in Tables I and 2. the heat lot shall be rejected or retested using.