ASTM A626:16 pdf download

ASTM A626:16 pdf download

ASTM A626:16 pdf download.Standard Specification for Tin Mill Products, Electrolytic Tin Plate, Double Reduced.
Note 3—The production ot coits does not aflord the same opportunity for inspection, grading, and sorting as does the production of cut sizes. Accordingly, appropriate processing and quality control procedures are required by the purchaser to obtain optimum utilization of the material. Cut sizes are line inspected visually and mechanically during production, Sheets having surface imperfections that will not interfere with their utilization are included.
NOTE 4—In inch-pound units, double-reduced electrolytic tin plate is supplied on an area basis expressed in base boxes. In coils, the number of base boxes is computed from the measured length and the specified width. In cut sizes, the number of base boxes is computed from the specified length and width dimensions and sheet count. I In SI units, double-reduced electrolytic tin plate is supplied on an area basis expressed in SITAs. In coils, the number of SITAs is computed from the measured length and the specified width. In cut sizes, the number of SITAs is computed from the specified length and width dimensions and sheet count.] For calculating mass, the density of steel for tin mill products is 0.2836 lb/in.3 17850 kg/rn3].
4. Roiling Direction
4.1 Double-reduced plate is stronger and less ductile than single reduced plate and has very distinct directional properties. The rolling direction must he specified on cut sizes and will he indicated by underlining the slit (rolling width) dimension. To minimize the flange-cracking hazard when the product is used for can bodies, the rolling direction must be around the circumference of the can.
5. Tin Coating Weight [Mass]
5.1 Class Designation arid Marking.’
5.1.1 Electrolytic tin plate is commonly produced to the class designations shown in Table 1. Other combinations of coatings may be specified by agreement between the producer and the purchaser.
5.1.2 Differentially coated tin plate is a product having one surface more heavily tin coated than the opposite. The class designation is expressed by showing the two tin coating weights [masses] separated by a slash mark, for example, 50/25 jD 5.6/2.8]. The first number will represent the coating weight [mass] on the outside of the coil or the top surface of the cut sizes. Other line marking conventions must he brought to the attention of the supplier at the time of order entry.
5. 1 .3 In order to distinguish material having differential coatings. the face with the heavier coating is normally marked. By arrangement, a special marking can be supplied on the light-coated face (see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The letter D is shown along with the coating number to indicate the side of the plate to be marked.
5.2 Sampling for Tin oatiiig Weights I Masses]:
5.2.1 When the purchaser wishes to make tests to ascertain compliance with the requirements of this specification for tin coaling weight [mass] on a lot of any specific item of electrolytic tin plate, the following procedure shall be used.