ASTM A877:17 pdf download

ASTM A877:17 pdf download

ASTM A877:17 pdf download.Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Chromium-Silicon Alloys, Chrome-Silicon- Vanadium Alloy Valve Spring Quality.
6.2.4 Location of Tests—Test specimens shall be taken from both ends of the coil.
6.2.5 Test Method—The tension test shall be made in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370. For shaped wires, cross sectional area shall he calculated by either using the procedure in Test Methods ES (Subsection 7.2.2) for uniform hut nonsy m metrical cross-sections, or by measuring width and thickness and multiplying by a shape factor. Reduction of area for shaped wires shall be calculated by using this shape factor. Measure the maximum and minimum dimension on the necked down section and multiply by the shape factor to estimate the cross sectional area for use in the standard reduction of area calculation. Upon agreement between purchaser and supplier, the shape factor for the design provided by the wire mill shall be permissible to be adopted for use. In other situations if the shape factor is not available from the wire mill, the shape factor shall he calculated by measuring the cross sectional area in accordance with Test Methods ES and dividing by the width and thickness.
6.3 Wrap Test:
6.3.1 Grade A—Round quenched and tempered or cold drawn wire 4.00 mm [0. 157 in. I or smaller in diameter shall wrap on itself as an arbor without breakage. Larger diameter wire up to and including 8.00 mm [0.315 in.] in diameter shall wrap without breakage on a mandrel twice the wire diameter. The wrap test is not applicable to wire over 8.00 mm [0.3 15 in.] in diameter or to shaped and flat rolled wires.
6.3.2 Grades B. C’, or D—Round of quenched and tempered wire 4.00mm [0.1575 in.] or smaller in diameter shall wrap on a mandrel twice the diameter without breakage. Larger diameter wire up to and including 8.00 mm [0.3 15 in.] shall wrap without breakage on a mandrel three times the wire diameter. The wrap test is not applicable to wire over 8.00 mm [0.315 in.] in diameter or to shaped and flat rolled wires.
6.3.3 Number of Tests—One test specimen shall be taken for each five coils, or fraction thereof, in a lot. Each heat in a given lot shall be tested.
6.3.4 Location of Tests—Test specimens shall be taken from either end of the coil.
6.3.5 Test Method—The wrap test shall be made in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370.
6.4 Special Surface Inspection—The entire length of every coil shall be inspected for surface imperfections with a rotating and stationary probe eddy current defect analyzer, or equivalent system. Imperfections deeper than 0.04 mm [0.0016 in.] shall be properly marked so the purchaser has the ability to identify and discard that length of wire; other depths may be agreed upon. Number of allowable marks per coil, shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This test is not applicable to wire sizes below 2.5 mm [0.098 in.]