ASTM A994:16 pdf download

ASTM A994:16 pdf download

ASTM A994:16 pdf download.Standard Guide for Editorial Procedures and Form of Product Specifications for Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys.
6.7 Materials (111(1 Manufacture:
6.7.1 This section addresses such issues as melting, refining, and casting practices; mechanical working requirements; fabrication practices; heat treatment; and surface finishing.
6.7.2 Unless technical considerations dictate otherwise, restrictions should not be placed on manufacturing practices.
6.7.3 When lengthy sections are required describing annealing, heat treating, or other processing, they should be specified in a separate major heading; for example: “8. Heat Treatment.”
6.7.4 This section should state briefly the general requirements of the starting materials to he used. Reference appropriate ASTM specifications, if available, and, if appropriate, the process to he followed in manufacture.
6.7.5 When welding is involved in the fabrication of the material or product specified, or to bring a product to the specification requirements. it is necessary to define the processes and procedures that are permitted. either in this section or by reference to other codes and standards. The appropriate process and procedure qualifications may be determined by the intended end use of the part. For example, for castings that are not intended for use under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, procedures and welders shall he qualified under Practice A488/A488M. For castings that are intended for use under the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, procedures and welders shall be qualified under Section IX of that code.
6.8 Chemical composition:
6.8.1 When limits on chemical composition are required, the section should be stated substantially as, “The steel shall conform to the requiremens prescribed in Table X.”
6.8.2 This section should include detailed requirements of the chemical composition to which the steel should conform. These requirements should he listed in tabular form and include: Name of each element spelled out, Maximum, minimum, or range for each element, The units applicable (percent or ppm), The UNS number (if available) or common name for each grade of steel, or both, and References to explanatory notes, when applicable.
6.8.3 The preferred order for listing elements for carbon and alloy steels is as follows:
6.8.4 The preferred order for listing elements for stainlesssteels is as stated in 6.8.3, except list chromium before nickel,nitrogen before copper,and columbium / niobium beforetitanium. Names Columbium (Cb) and Niobium (Nb) forPeriodic Table Element 41 are considered interchangeablewithin A01 Product specifications. Product Subcommitteesmay choose which name to use, but it is suggested that allspecifications under jurisdiction of any individual subcommit-tee identify Element 41 uniformly. It is furthermore suggested that chemical analysistables referring to Element 41 be accompanied by a footnoteclarifying that Columbium and Niobium are interchangeablenames for the same element and that both names are acceptablefor use in A01 specifications.