ASTM B130:19 pdf download

ASTM B130:19 pdf download

ASTM B130:2019 pdf download.Standard Specification for Commercial Bronze Strip for Bullet Jackets.
14.1 .2 When samples are taken at the time the castings are poured. at least one sample shall be analyzed for each group of castings poured simultaneously from the same source of molten metal.
14.1.3 When samples are taken from the semifinished or finished product, at least one sample representative of the product of each cast bar from a single melt charge continuously processed with heat identity maintained shall be analyzed.
14.2 Mechanical Properties (111(1 Grain Size—Unless otherwise provided in the product specification, test specimens shall be taken from two of the sample pieces selected in accordance with 13.1.2. The required tests shall be made on each of the specimens so selected.
14.3 Other Tests—For other tests, test specimens shall be taken from four of the sample pieces selected in accordance with 13.1.2. The required tests shall be made on each of the specimens so selected.
14.4 Reiesrs:
14.4.1 If the chemical analysis of the specimens prepared from samples selected in accordance with 13.1.2 fails to conform to the specified limits, analysis shall be made on a new composite sample prepared from the pieces selected in accordance with 13.1.2.
14.4.2 If one of the two tests made to determine any of the mechanical or grain size requirements fails to meet a specified limit, this test shall be repeated on the remaining pieces, maximum of two, selected in accordance with 13.1.2, and the results of both of these tests shall comply with the specified requirements.
14.4.3 If any test specimen shows defective machining or develops flaws, it may be discarded and another specimen substituted.
14.5 Chemical Analysis—-Chemical analysis shall be determined as the average of at least two replicate determinations for each element specified.
15. Specimen Preparation
15.1 In the grain size test, all specimens shall be prepared as specified in Guide E3.
15.2 In the tension test, all strip less than ¾ in. (19 mm) wide shall be pulled in full size when practicable. Machined test specimens shall he as specified in Fig. I of Test Methods E8IE8M for sheet type specimens.
1 5.3 cIien ical Composition—The composite s am pie for laboratory analysis shall, in case of disagreement, be prepared in accordance with Practice E255.
16. Test Methods
1 6. 1 chemical Analyses:
16.1.1 In cases of disagreement, test methods for chemical analysis shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser. The following table is a list of published methods, some of which may no longer be viable, which along with others not listed, may be used subject to agreement.