ASTM D4175:19 pdf download

ASTM D4175:19 pdf download

ASTM D4175:2019 pdf download.Standard Terminology Relating to Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants.
basicity, n—the quality, state or degree of being basic.
DiscussioN—In this test method, the criterion thr hasicity is a pink or red color when phenolphthalcin indicator is used.
basis weight of paper, n—basis weight is expressed in grams per square metre. In countries where the metric system is not universal, basis weight is also expressed in pounds per ream.
hatch, n—term referring to a volume or parcel being transferred.
bearing failure, n—the termination of the bearing’s ability to perform its design function.
hearing failure initiation, n—the moment a hearing starts to perform outside of its design function measured by performance characteristics.
between ILCP method-averages reproducibility (RJLCp , ILCP_v), n—a quantitative expression of the random error associated with the difference between the bias-corrected ILCP average of method X versus the ILCP average of method Y from a Proficiency Testing program, when the method X has been assessed versus method Y, and an appropriate bias-correction has been applied to all method X results in accordance with this practice; it is defined as the 95 % confidence limit for the difference between two such averages.
between-method bias, n—a quantitative expression for the mathematical correction that can statistically improve the degree of agreement between the expected values of two test methods which purport to measure the same property.
[D02.941 D6708]
between-methods reproducibility (R), n—a quantitative expression of the random error associated with the difference between two results obtained by different operators using different apparatus and applying the two methods X and Y, respectively, each obtaining a single result on an identical lest sample, when the methods have been assessed and an appropriate bias-correction has been applied in accordance with this practice; it is defined as the 95 % confidence limit for the difference between two such single and independent results.
DiscussioN—A statement of between methods reproducibility must
include a description of any bias correction used in accordance with this practice.
DIscussIoN—Between methods reproducibility is a meaningful concept only if there are no statistically observable sample-specific relative biases between the Iwo methods, or if such biases vary from one sample to another in such a way that they may he considered random eflécis.
bias, n—the difference between the expectation of the test results and an accepted reference value.