ASTM F3356:19 pdf download

ASTM F3356:19 pdf download

ASTM F3356:2019 pdf download.Standard Specification for Conformity Assessment of Metal Detectors Used in Safety and Security.
4.1.1 Each product model shall be certified in accordance with Performance Standard F3020 for hand-worn metal detectors or Performance Specification F3278 for hand-held metal detectors. Product models that are labeled as certilied to either of those specifications shall meet all applicable requirements of that specification.
4.1 .2 Suppliers shall not claim compliance with any pan of the requircments of the applicable ASTM performance standard and shall not use the name or identification of either of those specilications in any statements regarding their respective products unless the product is certified to that specification.
4.1.3 Each compliant product model that has been certified and has entered the stream of commerce shall maintain its certification status throughout its shelf life.
4.1.4 A compliant product model shall have a product label that meets the requirements sped lied in the applicable ASThI performance standard and 4.4.
4.1.5 All certification shall be performed by a certification body that is independent of any supplier and meets the requirements specified in 4.2, in accordance with ISO/TEC I 7065,
4.1.6 Certification bodies shall have a scope of accreditation to include this specification and the applicable ASTM performance standard. The accreditation shall be issued by an accreditation body that is a signatory to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) Multilateral Recognition Arrangement (MLA).
4.1.7 The certification body shall use a testing laboratory that is independent of any supplier and is accredited to ISOIIEC 17025 for the scope of this specification by an accreditation body thai is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accrcditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA).
4,1.7.1 The certification body may use more than one testing laboratory for completion of all the required tests. However, the format of the data presented by the testing laboratory shall conform to the format given herein to facilitate accurate and consistent evaluation and comparison of the model tested.
4.1.8 The certification body shall have a program for initial dctcrmination of conformance of product models. At a minimum, the program shall include inspection, audit, and testing as required by the specification. including the following:
(1) Inspection of labeling and marking as specified in the applicable ASTM performance standard and 4.4,
(2) Visiting the supplier’s applicable manufacturing facilities, and
(3) Auditing the supplier’s management systems and related procedures, records, and documentation.
4.1.8. I For surveillance audits where the manufacturer holds an ISO 9001:2008 or ISO 9001:2015 registration, the certification body shall perform a defined audit, which includes a limited review of the manufacturer’s or supplier’s Quality Management System. The audit shall include, at a minimum, a review of the ISO Certificate.

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