ASTM G158:16 pdf download

ASTM G158:16 pdf download

ASTM G158:16 pdf download.Standard Guide for Three Methods of Assessing Buried Steel Tanks.
(c) Determine if the tanks and piping are electrically conti flu ou S.
9. 1 .2.3 Bore Hole Tests:
(a) Determine locations for soil borings in the field. Make two test holes for each tank excavation zone with four or fewer tanks. For tank excavation zones with more than four tanks, make one additional bore hole for each two additional tanks, or part thereof. Make the tank bore holes at opposite diagonal ends of the tank excavation zone. The tank excavation zone shall be considered to extend no farther than 4 ft from the nearest tank. Complete the holes to the bottom of the deepest tank.
(b) In each tank bore hole, record measurements as the boring progresses. At 2-ft (O.6-m) intervals, make the following tests:
(1) Measure the soil resistivity using the Wcnner four pin method in accordance with Test Methods G57.
(2) Make structure-to-soil potential measurements in each bore hole using a minimum 1O-M2 input impedance digital voltmeter and a calibrated copper-copper sulfate reference electrode sensing tip in direct contact with the soil in the bore hole.
(c) Measure the depth of observed, perched, or static water table in each bore hole, if encountered.
(d) In accordance with industry practices, gather one soil sample each at the top, mid depth, and bottom of each hole using either a split spoon or core sampling tube and place, seal, and preserve the soil samples in containers for laboratory analysis.
(e) Backfill each hole and seal with a concrete or asphalt plug.
9. 1 .2.4 Other Field Considerations—The corrosion specialist/cathodic protection specialist may also consider, but not be limited to, performing and evaluating the following tests:
(a) Current requirement,
(b) Coating resistance, and
(c) Coating efficiency.
9. 1 .3 Laboratory Testing Procedures—Send soil samples collected at each site to a qualified soil laboratory where they shall be tested in accordance with EPA SW 846 Guide E 1323, or other recognized industry test methods. The report shall include the results of all test methods used in the evaluation. At a minimum, obtain the following data:
9. 1.3.1 Soil resistivity/conductivity, Moisture content, Soil pH, Soluble chloride ion concentration, and Sulfide ion concentration.
9.1.4 The corrosion specialist/cathodic protection specialist shall also consider, hut not he limited to, performing and evaluating the following tests. The report shall include all test methods used in the evaluation: Redox potential, and Sulfate ion concentration.