BS 8631:2021 pdf download

BS 8631:2021 pdf download

BS 8631:2021 pdf download.Adaptation to climate change — Using adaptation pathways for decision making — Guide
1 Scope
This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance to support organizations implementing adaptation pathways (APs). APs can be used within a broader planning process or as a stand-alone adaptation planning tool, in order to assist organizations to create long-term plans and make decisions within the uncertainty and risks of a changing climate. NOTE 1 BS EN ISO 14090 provides a full framework for implementing an adaptation plan and can be used in conjunction with this British Standard. This British Standard sets out a nine-step process for developing and applying APs. It includes guidance on each step, decision-making within the steps and continuous learning across the approach. The intended users of this British Standard are adaptation professionals or persons assigned by an organization to use the standard (such as the environment or sustainability manager). NOTE 2 The information that results from the implementation of this British Standard can benefit strategic planners and decision makers within organizations who are involved in making short, medium and long-term decisions and adaptation plans.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 adaptation pathway (APs) series of adaptation choices involving trade-offs between short-term and long-term goals and values NOTE These are processes of deliberation to identify solutions that are meaningful to people in the context of their daily lives and to avoid potential maladaptation.
4 Developing and applying adaptation pathways to adaptation decision-making
The steps listed in 5.1 to 5.9 should be carried out by an organization to develop climate change APs (see Figure 1). The level of detail involved in developing and applying APs should be proportionate to the anticipated significance of climate change risks and opportunities and purpose of the AP exercise. NOTE Annex A gives some examples for different levels of detail. The decision lifetime should be considered. Reversing or revising a decision on taking adaptation actions can be difficult and costly. The organization should continually review, respond and adapt to new conditions, information, methods and solutions as they emerge, including its commitment and capacity to deliver. The organization should use continuous improvement and adaptive management processes, adopting an iterative approach to improve understanding, decision-making and implementation processes. Adaptation to climate change and associated decision-making should be integrated into the organization’s processes for developing policies, plans, procedures and implementing risk and opportunity management actions. The organization should identify and use reliable and appropriate sources of information and make available and use mechanisms that permit feedback and learning from decision-making throughout the policy, strategy and planning process.