BS ISO 15033:2018 pdf download

BS ISO 15033:2018 pdf download

BS ISO 15033:2018 pdf download.Plastics — Determination of caprolactam and its cyclic and linear oligomers by HPLC
1 Scope
This document describes a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for determining the concentrations of cyclic oligomers of caprolactam, from 0,01 % by mass upwards, and linear oligomers of caprolactam, from 5 mg/kg upwards, both up to and including the hexamer of caprolactam (n = 6), in samples of polyamide 6, caprolactam and mixtures of rearrangement products in water.
A second, significantly faster, HPLC method is included for determination of caprolactam and its cyclic dimer, based on the same principle and using the same equipment as the first method.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 472, Plastics — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 472 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
4 Principle
A test sample is dissolved in, or diluted with, formic acid and the oligomers separated in the presence of a low-pH mobile phase using a column filled with reversed-phase packing material. The cyclic oligomers are detected by UV absorption at 200 nm. If desired, the linear oligomers can be detected by fluorescence after post-column reaction of the primary amino group with 1,2-phthalic dicarboxaldehyde and 3-mercaptopropionic acid. The concentrations are calculated by comparison of the measured values with those of calibration solutions.
5 Reagents
During the analysis, unless otherwise stated, use only reagents of recognized analytical grade.
5.1 Water, ultrapure or double-distilled.
5.2 Phosphoric acid, 85 % by mass.
5.3 Phosphoric acid, 1 mol/l. Introduce 68 ml of phosphoric acid (5.2) into a 1 l volumetric flask,make up to the mark with water (5.1) and mix well.
5.4 Acetonitrile.
5.5 Formic acid, concentrated.
5.6 Caprolactam.
5.7 Cyclic dimer of caprolactam, isolated by HPLC (see Note).
5.8 Cyclic trimer of caprolactam, isolated by HPLC (see Note).
5.9 Mixture of cyclic oligomers of caprolactam, isolated by HPLC (see Note).
5.10 ε-Aminocaproic acid.
5.11 Linear dimer of ε-aminocaproic acid.
5.12 Linear trimer of ε-aminocaproic acid.
5.13 Linear tetramer of ε-aminocaproic acid.
5.14 Linear pentamer of ε-aminocaproic acid.
5.15 Linear hexamer of ε-aminocaproic acid.
5.16 Helium.
5.23 Post-column derivatization reagent.
Dissolve 76 g of sodium tetraborate decahydrate (5.18) and 6 g of sodium hydroxide (5.19) in 2 l of water (5.1). Dissolve 1,6 g of 1,2-phthalic dicarboxaldehyde (5.20) in 40 ml of methanol (5.21) and add this solution to the sodium tetraborate decahydrate reagent. Add 1,5 ml of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (5.22) and mix well. The stability of the post-column derivatization reagent is limited. Do not keep for longer than 3 days. NOTE The cyclic dimer, the cyclic trimer and the mixture of cyclic oligomers of caprolactam can be isolated from a methanol extract of polyamide 6 (PA6) by preparative HPLC, using the HPLC methods described here. The purity of the dimer and the possible presence of other oligomers can be checked using the methods described in this document.