IEC 60061-4:2009 pdf free download

IEC 60061-4:2009 pdf free download

IEC 60061-4:2009 pdf free download Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety – Part 4: Guidelines and general information
This document describes the lEC policy concerning the standardization of cap/holder gives guidelines for the justification to standardize new fits.
3Standardization Policy Statement
lt is the lEC policy to limit the number of cap/holder fits to a justified minimum, meaning anactive policy of non-proliferation in this area.
4Guidelines and general information
Regarding the Standardization Policy Statement of non-proliferation, the following guidelinesfor justification of new cap/holder fits should be considered.
– The introduction of new cap/holder fits is justified when one or more of the
following criteria apply:
a)Established safety risks.
– e.g. in cases of safety risks with regard to the probability of application of improperlamp types.
For lavels of risks and the probable rate of occurrence, see lSonEC Guide 51: “Guidelines for theinclusion of safety aspects in standards”.
b)Fits for lamps with new and/or improved technical properties,for which none of the
existing fits is suitable.
-e.g. new lamp developments and/or applications requiring improved pre-focus andretention features.
c)Existence of governmental laws and regulations.
– e.g.ECE Regulations (Lighting regulations for road vehicles)