IEC 60670-22:2003 pdf free download

IEC 60670-22:2003 pdf free download

IEC 60670-22:2003 pdf free download Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations – Part 22: Particular requirements for connecting boxes and enclosures
9 Dimensions
L’article de la Partie 1 est applicable.
10 Protection contre les chocs électriques
L’article de la Partie 1 est applicable.
11 Dispositions pour la mise a la terre
L’article de la Partie 1 est applicable.
12 Construction
L’article de la Partie 1 est applicable avec les modifications suivantes:12.1Ajouter apres le premier alinea:
Pour les boites de connexion, si les moyens de fixation des capots ou plaques derecouvrement servent aussi a fixer le dispositif de connexion,la fixation doit maintenirle dispositif de connexion en position correcte apres ‘enlevement du capot ou de la plaquede recouvrement.
La conformite est verifiee par examen.Ajouter les paragraphes suivants:
12.101 Les boites de connexion doivent comprendre un espace suffisant pour permettre laconnexion appropriee des conducteurs selon ‘les specifications figurant dans les sectionscorrespondantes des regles particulieres des Parties 2 de la CEl 60998 en ce qui concerne lenombre et la section des conducteurs.
La conformite est verifiee en montant le nombre maximal de conducteurs de la sectionmaximale,si cela constitue le cas le plus mauvais. Sinon, la combinaison la plus defavorabledoit etre essayee.
Cet essai doit etre realise conjointement avec celui de 12.102.
Pour les boites de connexion classifiees selon 7.101.4,l’essai est réalisé seulement si lesinformations l) et m) de 8.1 sont marquees ou déclarees.
12.102 Retention means for terminals or connecting devices shall withstand the mechanicalstresses occurring during installation and normal use.
Compliance is checked by connecting conductors in accordance with the relevant Part(s) 2 oflEc 6o998 for the type of the connecting device used.
After the test there shall be no harmful deformation,cracks or similar damage which wouldlead to non-compliance with this part.
12.103 Connecting boxes classified according to 7.101.1,7.101.2 and 7.101.3 shall complywith the temperature rise requirements of Clause 16.102.
13 Resistance to ageing, protection against ingress of solid objects and against harmful ingress of water
This clause of Part 1 applies with the following addition:
13.3.3Replace the last paragraph by the following:
The specimens,except connecting boxes classified according to 7.101.4, shall withstand anelectric strength test specified in 14.2 which shall be started within 5 min of the completion ofthe test according to this subclause.
14 Insulation resistance and electric strength
This clause of Part 1 applies with the following addition:
Add the following:
14.2.101 For boxes with integrated or incorporated terminals or connecting devices, themeasurements are made consecutively as indicated below.
Each clamping unit of a connecting device shall be connected alternatively with conductors ofthe smallest and the largest cross-sectional area.
The insulation resistance is then measured with a d.c. voltage of approximately 500 v applied,the measurement being made 1 min after application of the voltage.