IEC 62002-2:2008 pdf free download

IEC 62002-2:2008 pdf free download

IEC 62002-2:2008 pdf free download Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access – Part 2: Interface conformance testing
1 scope
This part of lEC 62002 provides the conformance testing rules and guidelines for equipmentbuilt to meet the Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access interface specification(IEC 62002-1).
One aim is to limit the number of tests to a practical level. Nevertheless, the manufacturer isresponsible of guaranteeing that the terminal fulfils all aspects of the mobile and portableDVB-T/H radio access interface specification (see lEC 62002-1).
2Normative references
The following references are indispensable for the application of this document. For datedreferences,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 62002-1,Mobile and portable DVB-T/H radio access – Part 1: Interface specification
ETSI EN 300 744:2007,Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) – Framing structure,channelcoding and modulation for digital terrestrial television,V1.5.2
ITU-R BT.1701-1,Characteristics of radiated signals of conventional analogue televisionsystems
3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of part of IEC 62002, the following abbreviations apply.
λ Lambda, wavelength ( λ = c/f)
A2 German analogue TV-stereo system
A A Coupling between antennas
AGC Automatic Gain Control
A GSM Stop band attenuation of the GSM reject filter
B Bandwidth
BER Bit Error Ratio
C Carrier power (In band carrier power including any echoes)
c Speed of light c = 3,0 × 1 0 8 m/s
C i Power contribution from the i-th signal
C t Total useful carrier power
C/N Carrier to Noise ratio
C/N min
Minimum C/N
CPE Common Phase Error
CR Code rate
dB Decibel
dBc dB compared to carrier power C
dBd Antenna gain in dB compared to reference dipole (0 dBd = –2,1 4 dBi)
dBi Antenna gain in dB compared to isotropic antenna (0 dBi = 2,1 4 dBd)
dB(mW) Power in dB compared to 1 mW
DUT Device Under Test
DVB, DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting, Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting
DVB-H Digital Video Broadcasting to hand-held terminals
DVB-RCT DVB Terrestrial Return Channel
E Field strength V/m
E(dBμV/m) Field strength in dB compared to 1 μV
EDGE Enhanced Data rates for GSM/Global Evolution
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
END Equivalent Noise Degradation
ENF Equivalent Noise Floor
ESR Erroneous Second Ratio
f Frequency in Hz
f (MHz) Frequency in MHz
fc Centre frequency
F Noise factor
fd, Fd Doppler Frequency
Fd 3dB
Doppler Frequency with minimum C/N requirement raised by 3 dB
FER Frame Error Rate
G Gain
Ga Antenna gain
GI Guard Interval
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
I Interfering power
ICI Intercarrier Interference
J joule k Boltzmann’s constant k = 1 ,38 x 1 0 -26 J/K
K kelvin L1 , L2, L3, L4 Linearity patterns
L GSM Insertion loss of the GSM reject filter
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
MER Modulation Error Ratio
MFER MPE-FEC Frame Error Rate
MHz Megahertz
MPE-FEC Multi Protocol Encapsulation Forward Error Correction
MPEG-2 Motion Pictures Expert Group, Video compression standard
n, m, N Channel indexes
NF Noise figure in dB
NICAM Additional sound carrier for analogue TV, modulated with a Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex.