IEC 62193:2003 pdf free download

IEC 62193:2003 pdf free download

IEC 62193:2003 pdf free download Live working – Telescopic sticks and telescopic measuring sticks
This International Standard covers telescopic sticks and telescopic measuring sticks to beused for live working on a.c. or d.c. electrical installations at 1 000 V and above for a.c. and1500 v and above for d.c.
The telescopic sticks are designed to accept attachments that meet appropriate live workingstandards and,together with these attachments,may be used to perform mechanical workon live parts at a distance.Telescopic sticks are also designed to accept diagnostic devicesthat meet appropriate live working standards and are used to make the diagnosticdevices reach parts of an installation to be tested. Telescopic measuring sticks,or tele-scopic sticks equipped with graduations,are used to measure distances to or betweenlive parts.
NOTE Under certain circumstances,the telescopic sticks covered by this standard can be used for installingportable earthing or earthing and short-circuiting equipment if the mechanical stresses during use are lower thanthe rated values.
The tools (telescopic sticks and telescopic measuring sticks) covered by this standard are foruse under dry conditions but could also be used under very humid conditions,usingappropriate working procedures.
Telescopic hook sticks are not covered by this standard.Telescopic bonding sticks and anyother speciality telescopic sticks designed at the request of users are not covered by thisstandard.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60060-1:1989,High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and testrequirements
IEC 60068-1:1988,Environmental testing – Part 1: General and guidance
IEC 60068-2-18:2000,Environmental testing – Part 2-18:Tests – Test R and guidance: Water
IEC60417-DB:20021,Graphical symbols for use on equipment
IEC 60832:1988,Insulating poles (insulating sticks) and universal tool attachments (fittings)for live working
IEC60855:1985,Insulating foam-filled tubes and solid rods for live working
IEC 61235:1993,Live working – Insulating hollow tubes for electrical purposes
IEC 61318,Live working – Quality assurance plans applicable to tools,devices andequipment 2
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.
telescopic stick
hand stick made of retractable insulating tubes including at least one filled or solid sectionwhich is fitted with a universal splined-head or other fitting and intended to be used undertensionlcompression andlor torque
NOTE 1 The telescopic stick may be used as a measuring stick when appropriately marked.
NOTE 2 For use in Sweden, the filled or solid section(s) may be replaced by section(s) of sealed hollow tubes.[Definition 3.1.14 of lEC 60743,modified]
telescopic measuring stick
hand stick made of retractable insulating tubes including at least one filled or solid section.This tool is used to determine conductor-to-ground and conductor-to-conductor distances andother clearances and not intended to be used under tension/compression and/or torque
NOTE For use in Sweden, the filled or solid section(s) may be replaced by section(s) of sealed hollow tubes.[Definition 3.1.15 of IEC 60743,modified]
bonding stick
hand stick used to apply bonding leads