IEC 62372:2021 pdf free download

IEC 62372:2021 pdf free download

IEC 62372:2021 pdf free download Nuclear instrumentation – Housed scintillators – Test methods of light output and intrinsic resolution
1 Scope
This document is applicable to housed scintillators for registration and spectrometry of alpha-,beta-, gamma-, X-ray and neutron radiation.
The main parameters,such as a light output and intrinsic resolution are established. Thisdocument specifies the requirements for the testing equipment and test methods of the basicparameters of housed scintillators, such as:
the direct method is applicable to measure the light output of housed scintillators based on
scintillation material. The housed scintillators certified by this method can be used asworking standard of housed scintillators(hereinafter: working standard) when performingmeasurements by a relative method of comparison.
the relative method of comparison with the working standard is applicable to housedscintillators based on the same scintillation material as the working standard.
This document does not apply to gas or liquid scintillators and scintillators for counting andcurrent modes.
The numerical values of the parameters are set to the specific type of scintillators in thespecifications.
2Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms,definitions,symbols and abbreviated terms3.1Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
Iso and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.Iso Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.orglobp
luminescent material, usually liquid or solid, showing radioluminescence with a short afterglow
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-845:1987,845-04-37]
housed scintillator
scintillator, housed in a container with a reflector and optical window
scintillation detector
radiation detector consisting of a scintillator thatis usually optically coupled to aphotosensitive device, directly or through light guides
Note 1 to entry: The scintillator consists of a scintillating material in which the ionizing particle produces a burstof luminescence radiation along its path. A common scintillator is Nal(TI).
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-395:2014,395-03-01]
light protective chamber containing a housed scintillator,photomultiplier (PMT)PMT voltagedivider
Note 1 to entry: Assembly is used for testing of the housed scintillator.
light yieldn
ratio of scintillation photons summed energy (Ep) to energy ( E) lost by ionizing particles in the scintillator