IEC 62453-1:2009 pdf free download

IEC 62453-1:2009 pdf free download

IEC 62453-1:2009 pdf free download Field device tool (FDT) interface specification – Part 1: Overview and guidance
3.3 Conventions
The conventions for UML notation used in the IEC 62453 series is defined in Annex A.
4 FDT overview
4.1 State of the art In industrial automation, a control system often comprises many binary and analog input/output signals transmitted via a communication network. Numerous field devices provided by different manufacturers have to be included in the network by direct connection or I/O multiplex units. Many applications use more than 1 00 different field device types from various device manufacturers.
Each device has specific configuration and parameterization functions to support its designed task. These device-specific properties and settings have to be taken into consideration when configuring a fieldbus coupler and bus communication for the device. The device presence and its capability have to be made known to the control system. Device input and output signals and function block services need to be effectively integrated into the planning of the control system.
In the absence of a common interface standard, the large number of different device types and suppliers within a control system project makes the configuration task difficult and time- consuming. Various different tools have to be used (see Figure 1 ). The user requirement for consistency of data, documentation and application configurations can only be guaranteed by intensive and costly system testing.
A common location for service and diagnostic tasks in the control system does not fully cover the functional capabilities of available fieldbus devices nor does it guarantee that different device or module-specific tools can be integrated into other system software tools. Typically, device-specific tools can only be connected directly to a specific fieldbus or directly to a specific field device type.
4.2 Objectives of FDT
4.2.1 General features
Full integration of fieldbus devices or modules into automation systems requires a communication path from central engineering or operator terminals via the system and fieldbusses to the individual field devices.
FDT supports:
• central facilities for planning, diagnostics and service with direct access to all devices;
• integrated, consistent configuration and documentation of the automation system, its fieldbusses and devices;
• organization of common data for the automation system and the field devices;
• central data management and data security;
• simple, fast integration of different device and module types into the automation system.
Integration of field devices into the engineering systems of automation technology can cover a small set of configuration, service and diagnostic functions as well as large set of functions.
4.2.2 Device and module manufacturer benefits