IEC 63056:2020 pdf free download

IEC 63056:2020 pdf free download

IEC 63056:2020 pdf free download Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in electrical energy storage systems
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-482,ISO/IEC Guide 51, and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
IEC Electropedia: available at
ISO Online browsing platform: available at
freedom from unacceptable risk
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
physical injury or damage to the health of people or damage to property or to the environment
potential source of harm
intended use
use of a product, process or service in accordance with specifications, instructions and information provided by the supplier
reasonably foreseeable misuse
use of a product, process or service in a way which is not intended by the supplier, but whichmay result from readily predictable human behaviour
secondary lithium cellcell
secondary cell where electrical energy is derived from the insertionlextraction reactions oflithium ions or oxidation/reduction reaction of lithium between the negative electrode and thepositive electrode
Note 1 to entry: The cell typically has an electrolyte that consists of a lithium salt and organic solvent compoundin liquid,gel or solid form and has a metal or a laminate flm casing.llt is not ready for use in an applicationbecause it is not yet fitted with its final housing,terminal arrangement and electronic control device.
cell block
group of cells connected together in parallel configuration with or without protective devices(e.g. fuse or positive temperature coefficient device) and monitoring circuitry
Note 1 to entry: lt is not ready for use in an application because it is not yet fitted with its final housing.terminalarrangement and electroniccontrol device.
group of cells connected together in a series and/or parallel configuration with or withoutprotective devices (e.g. fuse or positive temperature coefficient device) and monitoringcircuitry
battery pack
energy storage device which comprises one or more cells or modules electrically connectedand has monitoring circuitry which provides information (e.g. cell voltage) to a battery system
to influence the battery’s safety, performance and/or service life
Note 1 to entry: lt may incorporate a protective housing and be provided wth terminals or other interconnectionarrangement.
battery systembattery
system which comprises one or more cells,modules or battery packs and has a batterymanagement system capable of controlling current in case of overcharge,overcurrent,overdischarge, and overheating
Note 1 to entry: Overdischarge cut off is not mandatory if there is an agreement between the cell manufacturerand the customer
Note 2 to entry: The battery system may have cooling or heating units. More than one battery system mayconstitute a larger battery system.
battery management systemBMS
set of protection functions associated with a battery to prevent overcharge, overcurrent, over-
temperature,under-temperature and, if applicable,overdischarge and which monitors and/ormanages its state,calculates secondary data,reports that data and/or controls itsenvironment to influence the battery’s safety, performance and/or service life