IEC TR 62222:2021 pdf free download

IEC TR 62222:2021 pdf free download

IEC TR 62222:2021 pdf free download Fire performance of communication cables installed in buildings
1 Scope
This document describes the test methods for various parameters relating to the reaction to fireproperties of metallic and optical fibre communications cables.The parameters have particularimportance for cables intended to be installed within buildings and other structures.
This document also maps the test methods and associated limits applied to the fire hazardscreated by particular installation conditions and which can be referenced by other international,
regional and national standards. For example,it is important that compliance with therequirements and recommendations for installation methods in ISOIEC 14763-2 taking intoconsideration this document improve safety concerning fire.
2Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3Terms,definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply.
lSO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the followingaddresses:
.IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.orgl
.Iso Online browsing platform: available at http:.//www.iso.orglobp3.1Terms and definitions
toxicant that causes hypoxia,which can result in central nervous system depression orcardiovascular effects
[SOURCE: ISO13943:2017,3.23,modified – The note to entry has been removed.]
system of telecommunication cables,cords and connecting hardware that supports theconnection of information technology equipment
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017,3.1.21]
chimney effect
upward movement of hot fire effluent caused by convection currents confined within anessentially vertical enclosure
capable of being ignited and burned
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.52]
exothermic reaction of a substance with an oxidizing agent
Note 1 to entry: Combustion generally emits fire effluent accompanied by flames and/or glowing.
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.55]
communication cable
assembly of suitably insulated coaxial conductors, twisted pairs of insulated conductors or optical fibres fabricated to meet transmission, mechanical and environmental requirements, and sufficient to allow conveyance of information between two points with the minimum of radiation
discrete fire zone designed to contain a fire within that zone
Note 1 to entry: Compartments are also known as “fire compartments”.
division of premises into compartments in order to provide protection for the rest of the premises
transfer of heat by movement of a fluid
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.66]
contribution to fire
energy released by a product influencing the fire growth
corrosion damage
physical and/or chemical damage or impaired function caused by chemical action
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.69]
damaged length
maximum extent in a specified direction of damaged area
<built environment> volume defined by bounding surfaces, which may have one or more openings
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.92]
<general> process of combustion characterized by the emission of heat and fire effluent and usually accompanied by smoke, flame or glowing or a combination thereof
Note 1 to entry: In the English language, the term “fire” is used to designate three concepts, two of which relate to specific types of self-supporting combustion with different meanings. Of these three, two of them are designated using two different terms in both French and German.
[SOURCE: ISO 13943:2017, 3.114]