IEEE 1660:2008 pdf free download

IEEE 1660:2008 pdf free download

IEEE 1660:2008 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for Application and Management of Stationary
Batteries Used in Cycling Service.
Choosing a battery for a cycling application is not simply a matter of selecting one that is designed for frequent cycling. Ii is important to recognize the characteristics of the application—whether power-type loads or energy-type loads are to he supplied, and at what frequency, and within what voltage window. Matching the battery type to the application and correctly sizing that battery are key factors in reliable operation.
7. Charge management
7.1 General
It is often said that it is poor charging practice that kills batteries, although it is also true that a failed battery is most often discovered when it is discharged or tested. Proper charge management is very important in prolonging battery life in both standby and cycling applications so that the manufacturer’s projections for longevity are met.
The chargers for standby battery systems are normally designed in such a way as to provide for battery recharge to a uscable condition in a relatively short period of time. In this way, the standby system can be available to provide electric power in the event of an outage shortly after the one that caused a discharge. Testing or monitoring is thereftre often used to check the availability of a standby battery to provide an adequate discharge.
For batteries used in cycling applications, the charging situation is quite different. Discharges are, in general, sufficiently frequent that the operation itself can be used to check that the charging practice is proper. However, monitoring is still occasionally used to verify proper operation. Furthermore, in off-grid renewable-energy systems, the availability of charging power is much more limited. Except for a few niche applications where the cycling battery is used to both absorb and deliver energy, for example, area regulation of the electricity supply system. the only time when there can be a return on the capital investment in the electricity storage system is when the battery is being discharged. For this reason, cycling systems are designed to spend much more of the time with the batteries in discharge than standby systems. Therefore, there are concomitant frequent charges, so charge management is a more challenging task tbr cycling batteries than for standby ones.