IEEE 802.1Qav:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 802.1Qav:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 802.1Qav:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks.
The Filtering Database supports frame filtering (8.6.3) queries by the Forwarding Process to determine whether received frames, with given values of destination MAC Address and VID. are to be tbrwarded through a given potential transmission Port (8.6.2, 86.3, 8.6.4). 14 The Filtering Database contains filtering information in the form of filtering entries that are either
a) Static, and explicitly configured by management action; or
b) Dynamic, and automatically entered into the Filtering Database by the normal operation of the bridge and the protocols it supports.
Two entry types arc used to represent static filtering information. The Static Filtering Entr)r represents static information in the Filtering Database for individual and for group MAC Addresses, It allows administrative control of
c) Forwarding of frames with particular destination addresses; and
d) The inclusion in the Filtering Database of dynamic filtering information associated with Extended Filtering Services, and use of this information.
The Filtering Database shall contain entries of’ the Static Filtering Entry type.
The Static VLAN Registration Entry represents all static infonnation in the Filtering Database for VLANs. It allows administrative control of
e) Forwarding of frames with particular VIDs;
f) The inclusion/removal of tag headers in forwarded framcs and
g) The inclusion in the Filtering Database of dynamic VLAN membership information, and use of this information.
The Filtering Database may contain entries of the Static VLAN Registration Entry type.
Static filtering information is added to. modified, and removed from the Filtering Database only under explicit management control. It shall not be automatically removcd by any ageing mechanism. Management of static filtering information may be carried out by usc of the remote management capability provided by Bridge Management (8.12) using the operations specified in Clause 12.