IEEE Std 1662:2008 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1662:2008 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1662:2008 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems on Ships.
Active or passive ground fault detection systems should be provided as described in subclause X.3 of IEEE Sid I 100ts1.2005 (Emerald Book)and in Section 300 of MIL.STD-1399-(NAVY)-19117 [B53].
5.4 Duty cycle
Power electronics equipment rated for continuous duty should be used for applications that require opcration for unrestricted periods of timc at a constant load. Other power electronics equipmcnt should bc rated for the required duty cycle. This classification should also include power electronic equipment supplying loads that may operate intermittently but for which the operating cycle may be unpredictable. such as refrigeration units, potable water pumps, steering gear, and air compressors, Continuous duty shall be as defined in Section 100 of the National Electrical Code INECa)INFPA 70.2007 Edition) [B67].
5.5 Efficiency
Power electronics equipment should be selected for the highest operating efficiency that is commensurate with reliability, duty cycle, and rcquLrcments of minimum size and weight. Power electronics equipment should have a minimum efficiency of 95% (5% total losses) at rated load condition. The efficiencies at partial loads should also be provided by ‘vendors.
5.6 No-load losses
It is recommended that the maximum no-load losses at power electronics equipment should not exceed l. of the nominal rating.
5.7 Overload
Power eleetninics equipment should be provided with a minimum overload rating of 150% lot I mm. Some special applications may require tolerance of higher overloads, which should be identified in the requirements.
5.8 Stress limits and derating factors
Components utilized in the power electronics equipment covered by this standard should comply with the appropriate standards for these components and should be used in accordance with their recognized ratings. Power semiconductors should be applied so that the stress limits of the devices will not be exceeded under any condition of operation. If the semiconductor manufacturer’s derating recommendations arc not aailablc, application stress limits and derating factors in MIL-F-917F.-(NAVY)-l993 FH4K) and MIL-F-24638-(SlI) [B49] are recommended as the guidance. The derating criteria for insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) are in Annex .