ISO 18626:2017 pdf download

ISO 18626:2017 pdf download

ISO 18626:2017 pdf download.Information and documentation — Interlibrary Loan Transactions
1 Scope
This document specifies the transactions between libraries or libraries and other agencies to handle requests for library items and the following exchange of messages.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2108, Information and documentation — International standard book number (ISBN)
ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 1: Country codes
ISO 3166-2, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions — Part 2: Country subdivision code
ISO 3297, Information and documentation – International standard serial number (ISSN)
ISO 4217, Codes for the representation of currencies
ISO 8601, Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times
ISO 10957, Information and documentation — International standard music number (ISMN)
ISO 15511, Information and documentation — International standard identifier for libraries and related organizations (ISIL)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
3.1 agency
library (3.2), library-related organization (3.5) or other agencies such as an archive or a museum or a commercial document supplier
3.2 library
organization, or part of an organization, the main aim of which is to maintain a collection and to facilitate, by services of a staff, the use of such documents as are required to meet the informational,research, educational or recreational needs of its users
For Request, Supplying Agency Message and Requesting Agency Message, a confirmation message is sent immediately (see 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7). The Request Confirmation message (see Table 2) is not a positive or negative response to the request; it indicates only that the Request message has been received. If the Request message contains problems, the Request Confirmation message shall include Error Data (see 4.10).
Closed Code Lists (see 4.9) are a normative part of this document and shall be supported by applications conformant with this document. They are similar to Open Code Lists, except that Closed Code Lists of values are expected to be relatively comprehensive and stable. Therefore, no online version of these lists shall be made available. However, new closed code scheme elements and code values may be added to the future versions of this document. Date and time shall always be provided in the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ as specified by ISO 8601. When time is not significant, e.g. when a due date is given, use 23:59:59Z to indicate the time, for example, 2013-05-15T23:59:59Z. Use of the identifiers in Table B.1 shall be according to the referred standards: ISIL according to ISO 15511, ISBN according to ISO 2108, ISSN according to ISO 3297 and ISMN according to ISO 10957. Use of the symbols in Table 7 shall be according to the referred standards: currency symbol to ISO 4217, region symbol to ISO 3166-2 and country symbol to ISO 3166-1.