ISO 8000-2:2020 pdf download

ISO 8000-2:2020 pdf download

ISO 8000-2:2020 pdf download.Data quality — Part 2: Vocabulary
1 Scope
This document defines terms relating to data quality used in the ISO 8000 series of parts.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
3.1 Terms relating to quality
3.1.1 process
set of interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended result
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.4.1, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.]
3.1.2 requirement
need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.4, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.]
3.1.3 quality
degree to which a set of inherent characteristics of an object fulfils requirements (3.1.2)
Note 1 to entry: The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent.
Note 2 to entry: “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”, means existing in the object.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.2]
3.1.4 quality management system
part of a management system with regard to quality (3.1.3)
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.5.4]
3.1.5 nonconformity
non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.1.2)
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.6.9, modified — Note to entry has been removed.]
3.2 Terms relating to data and information
3.2.1 information
knowledge concerning objects, such as facts, events, things, processes (3.1.1), or ideas, including concepts, that within a certain context has a particular meaning
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, 2121271, modified — Field of application and notes to entry have been removed.]
3.2.2 data
reinterpretable representation of information (3.2.1) in a formalized manner suitable for communication,interpretation, or processing
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 2382:2015, 2121272, modified — Notes to entry have been removed.]
3.2.3 data exchange
storing, accessing, transferring, and archiving of data (3.2.2)
[SOURCE: ISO 10303-1:—, 3.1.31]
3.2.4 data set
logically meaningful grouping of data (3.2.2)
EXAMPLE 1 Computer-aided design (CAD) files.
EXAMPLE 2 Electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions.
3.2.5 metadata
data (3.2.2) defining and describing other data
[SOURCE: ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015, 3.2.16, modified — The words “that defines and describes” have been replaced with “defining and describing”.]
3.2.6 objective evidence
data (3.2.2) supporting the existence or verity of something
Note 1 to entry: Objective evidence can be obtained through observing, measuring (3.4.1), testing or other means.
[SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.3, modified — Note 1 to entry has been modified and Note 2 to entry has been removed.]
3.3 Terms relating to identifier
3.3.1 identifier
string of characters created by an organization to reference a data set (3.2.4)
3.3.2 identifier resolution
process (3.1.1) that, when applied to an identifier (3.3.1), returns an associated data set (3.2.4)
3.3.3 entity
concrete or abstract thing in the domain under consideration
[SOURCE: ISO 19439:2006, 3.29, modified — The word “any” has been removed at the start of the definition.]
3.3.4 organization identifier
reference that can be resolved unambiguously to the legal name, the location and the administrator of the organization