UL 10C:2021 free download

UL 10C:2021 free download

UL 10C:2021 free download STANDARD FOR SAFETY Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies
7.4 Data recording is to provide monitoring of the output of an electric pressure transducer in the range of ±0.25 in H 2 O (66 Pa) with an accuracy of ±1 percent. The pressure transducers are to be located within 3 ft (914 mm) vertically, and 10 ft (3048 mm) horizontally from the static probes outside the furnace.
7.5 Pressures are to be read at intervals not exceeding 1 minute.
7.6 The oxygen percentage is to be determined by centering a minimum of one 1/4-in (6.4-mm) inside diameter stainless steel tube containing eight 1/16-inch (1.6-mm) diameter holes in the damper plenum, approximately half way between the furnace and the exhaust damper. The tube is then to be connected to an oxygen analyzer which has an accuracy of ±2.0 percent in the range of 0 to 10 percent. Locating more than one probe in the plenum and averaging the readings is permitted.
7.7 The oxygen percentages are to be read at intervals not exceeding 1 minute and recorded. TESTASSEMBLIES
8 Construction and Size
8.1 The construction and size of the test door assembly, consisting of single doors, doors in pairs, or specialty doors (such as Dutch doors, double-egress doors, and the like), frame and hardware, shall be representative of that for which the classification or rating is being evaluated.
8.2 A floor structure shall be provided as part of the opening to be protected, except where such floor interferes with the operation of the door. The floor segment shall be of noncombustible material and shall project into the furnace approximately twice the thickness of the test door or to the limit of the frame, whichever is greater.
9 Mounting for Test Purposes
9.1 Swinging doors, except as specified in 9.4 and 9.5, shall be mounted so as to open into the furnace chamber.
9.2 The mounting of all doors shall be such that they fit within the frame. Such mounting shall not prevent free and easy operation of the test door.
9.3 Clearances for swinging doors shall be as follows:
a) One-eighth (+0, minus 1/16) in (3.1 ±1 mm) along the top;
b) One-eighth (+0, minus 1/16) in (3.1 ±1 mm) along the hinge and latch jambs;
c) One-eighth (+0, minus 1/16) in (3.1 ±1 mm) along the meeting edge of doors in pairs;
d) Three-eighths (+0, minus 1/16) in (9.5 +0, minus 1.6 mm) at the bottom edge of a single swing door; and
e) One-fourth (+0, minus 1/16) in (6.4 +0, minus 1.6 mm) at the bottom of a pair of doors.
9.4 Door frames shall be evaluated when mounted so as to have the doors open either away from or into the furnace chamber, at the discretion of the testing authority, to obtain representative information on the performance of the construction under test.